Learned something this past week that maybe most people may not know. Something they don't tell when you buy a home or when you spend lots of money on that new dryer. The air duct that connects to the dryer and runs to the exterior of your home should be cleaned out at least every two years. If it doesn't, all that lint that leaves your house, collects within the duct and eventually plugs the opening that is located on your roof. End result...pay lots of money to the repair man to fix the dryer! So when I had the repair man out fixing my dryer, he told me how to do it myself. (Which saved me at least $120) So here it is....
You will need to remove the little cap or tent like thing off of your dryer pipe that is located on your roof.
Fill a sock with rocks (enough so that when you put the sock in the pipe, it will rub along the sides) and tie it off VERY securely with some nylon rope. You want the rope to be long enough to reach down as far as possible. Turn your dryer on an AIR DRY cylce (no heat). While it is running, you will slowly lower the sock up and down the pipe from the rooftop. (You will definitely want to be wearing something over your eyes, i.e. sunglasses). Once you feel like there are no more big chunks coming out, put the cover back on and enjoy how much more efficient your dryer will be!! Made a HUGE difference!!
Baked French Toast - Amy H
13 years ago
I love helpful hints like this. Thank you so much, We will add this one to the honey-do list for sure.