July 31, 2009

Free fabric

I have a stack of upholstery samples that I was given. At one point, I thought I could be extremely creative and find all sorts of uses for them, but then I realized (after a few years) that it wasn't gonna happen. So they're free to a good home. Or not so good. I don't really care. There isn't a ton of usable yardage on them, but they'd be quite good for quilts. I'm sure the more creative ones out there can think of all sorts of ways to use them.

July 30, 2009

ASL class- FREE!

Hey all,
Just wanted to let you know the ASL class is FREE. I have had several people ask how much I was charging. My payment is getting to know the wonderful people in our ward!! Again, just email me if you are interested and we will come up with a time that works. Thanks!!

Piano lesson swap

I am looking for someone to teach piano to my 7-year old son in return for my teaching their child. Caleb is in book two of the Faber Piano Adventures Method. I have been teaching him, but he would like a different teacher.

I have taught piano for ten years, and would be willing to use any method you choose in teaching your child. I am comfortable teaching at any level, including pre-readers. Please let me know if you are interested. My e-mail address is girlpowerjedi@hotmail.com


July 28, 2009

ASL class anyone?

I am considering starting up another sign class this fall. I am wondering, though, if there is enough interest in it before I make any definite plans. If you are interested, email me:
stef(dot)burns(at)gmail(dot)com. That way I can have your email and let you know what the results are. If there is enough interest, then we can decide a time and go from there!

July 25, 2009

Looking for daycare

I have decided to go back to school and I am starting at UNM in August. I am looking for someone (or two someones) who are willing to watch my daughter while I am in class. I have classes each day from 9 to noonish. With my commute I am guessing that I would need someone from 8 to 12:30. This would be for pay.

My daughter is Katelyn (Katie). She is two. I am hoping to have her with someone who has a child near her age to play with. She is very social and would be happy playing with a friend!

You can find me in the ward directory under "P" or be I can be emailed at elpinons@yahoo.com. If you would like, I can be found on Sundays in the senior nursery across from the restrooms on the south side of the building.

Thank you! ~Becca

July 24, 2009

Cub Scout Day Camp!

We have a fun day of activities planned for our Cub Scout Day Camp!

When: Saturday, August 8th from 8am-3pm (We ask that you arrive at 2:30pm because we will hold a pack meeting at that time).

Where: Ventana building.

What: The boys will be doing various things like first aid, sports, knot tying, making marshmellow shooters, water rockets and they will have the chance to get wet. We will be serving lunch and snacks.

Bring: Please send your son in shorts, wearing his scout shirt and neckerchief. It might be a good idea to send an extra t-shirt in case he gets soaked. Don't forget a hat and sunscreen because the boys will be outside for a good majority of the day. Permission slips (to be passed out soon) will also be needed.

Questions: Contact Chelsey J. or Jen Kesler.

Free School Supplies

Tomorrow morning starting at 8am APS is giving away free school supplies to 5000 kids. It will be at the UNM football stadium NE corner which is located at University and Avenida Cesar Chavez. Take 1-25 south to Avenida Cesar Chavez, turn left on to Avenida Cesar Chavez and the next major street in University, it takes about 30 minutes to get there from the Westside. The kids need to be there, so you cant just send a parent and say "I have 3 kids."
Thanks Frances for the info!

July 22, 2009


The LDS Home Storage Center prices have gone down! Here is a list of the price changes I found on the Everyday Food storage website. I am so happy about this because we were just about to buy a lot of food storage. When I called our local cannery he said to take advantage of these prices now because they will probably go back up soon. Now is the time to buy!

July 20, 2009

Next book club reads

Here are the next books for the next few months.
August 20th- Catch me if you Can - Frank Abagnale Jr, 7:30 PM in the Spencer's backyard
September 3rd- watching the movie "Catch me if you Can" at Chelsey J's house
September 17th- Guns, Germs & Steel- Jared Diamond, 7:30 in the Spencer's backyard
October (no book chosen yet)
November 19th- Gone with the Wind -Margaret Mitchell, location TBD

Also, Chelsey told us about the website http://www.paperbackswap.com that let you swap book in your personal library with others around the country. It's a great way to get new books and clear out some of your bookshelf space.

July 14, 2009

Don't forget about Book Club meeting

Anyone who would like to discuss polygamy, religion and marriage is invited to come to the next book club meeting this Thursday at 7:30 at Melissa S.'s house. We're reviewing the book "Escape" by Carolyn Jessop, but you don't have to have read the book to come. We'll be in the backyard so bring a jacket/blanket if you get chilled.

July 8, 2009

Temple GNO tomorrow night!

I am so excited about this. I know getting to the temple is hard, but this is an opportunity to make it easy for ya! Just come on over to my house, Thurs. 7/9, at 6 PM and we'll drive over for the 7 PM session. Since I'm not sure how many are coming, please try to come on time so we don't leave ya! You could always meet us there too if that works out better for you. I hope to see many of you there!

Kristie L. (Look me up for my address!)

July 5, 2009

Queen Bed

Frances C. is giving away a free Queen Bed with mattress! Please e-mail her at francesjean1111@msn.com if you need it.

July 3, 2009

Need a massage by a great massage therapist?

My sister-in-law, who usually works at a spa in Washington, is here for a month while her husband is doing an internship here this summer. She would appreciate some business while she is in town since they are poor college students. She is amazing! The charge is $40 an hour flat fee (no tip required.) Her mom has a masage table, and a spare room to be used. She knows every type of massage therapy. She can help you or your husband work out a trouble area or just give you a nice relaxing massage. You can call me Erin S. or any of her sisters that are in the ward, to get her contact info.

July 2, 2009


Christine B. has some cream dishes (8 place settings) and a baby swing that she is GIVING away! If you are interested she would like you to call her cell 977-4419.

July 1, 2009

More Shade Deals!

***Sorry that link wasn't working, it's working now!!

Shade has great clearance prices right now. Many of them have an additional 10-30 percent off as well. All of their swimwear is included. I bought the venice beach swimsuit in black. I have it in another color and it is awesome! You can make it rouche (sp?) on the side with some ties and it covers up those problem areas. If you are kind of between sizes, go with the smaller. Also use the code SUMMER for an extra discount off.