January 18, 2010

Bishop for Judge!

*Update- e-mail me and I will send you the forms! foreverfamilee@gmail.com
Our wonderful Bishop, Ned Fuller, is trying to get on the ballot for Judge. He needs a certain amount of signatures and $5 contributions to even get on the ballot. If you would like to help, you can print out the forms here and here. Then just drop them by his house, mail them, or however else you would like to get them to him. I'm sure he could really use our help! This is a great opportunity to put a man of character on our ballots!


  1. I can't get the links to work?!

  2. If anyone would like to help I will be coming around to houses on Friday 22 and Saturday 23 with the papers that you can sign and you can give me the money in a sealed envelope. If you would like me to come by your house Email me your address.
    kimbiebop(at)gmail(dot)com :D
    Kim W.
