October 30, 2009

Fight for the Family

Hello, my friends! I know how all of you feel about your families and families in general. It seems that the world in which we live is attacking the family on every front. So what are we supposed to do about it? Well, here is a way to stay informed on things that concern the family. United Families International (UFI) was one of the groups who helped organize things in CA regarding Prop 8. There is a bill that is coming up in New Mexico and the concern is that this time around it is going to be a quick session and people in the government are pushing for same sex marriage...here in NM. We need to call our senators. Tell them to stand up for traditional families. My sister is the President of United Families International of New Mexico and will be coming to Albuquerque in the next couple weeks to help us have a voice and to give us some ideas on how we can defend the family. For those of you who are NOT in NM, UFI is in your state as well, and I am sure that you can get involved and become aware of what is going in your own state. At any rate, I thought that you all would appreciate this information.

Here is their website: http://unitedfamilies.org/
You can sign up and get updates sent to your email.
They are on Facebook:
Here is their blog as well.

***President Gordon B. Hinckley: "We recognize and teach that all the people of the earth are of the family of God. The Lord counseled them, “Defend your families even unto bloodshed” (Alma 43:47)."

I was recently reading in the Book of Mormon where the people of Limhi were attacked by the Lamanites, unjustly.

  • "And it came to pass that the people of Limhi began to drive the Lamanites before them: yet they were not half so numerous as the Lamanites. But they fought for their lives, and for their wives and for their children: therefore they exerted themselves and like dragons did they fight."

Let's fight like dragons for something that is this important. Family is worth fighting for. Make the calls, spread the word!! Your family is worth the fight!!!

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