May 27, 2010

Candy Bar Thank You Poster

If anyone is looking for a fun way to thank their child's teacher, we had an idea to share...
We made a candy bar thank you poster.  Be creative and have fun with it!

Teacher's Name,

BeTWIX you and me, I would be a NERD if I didn't thank you for doing a WHOPPER of a job being my teacher. It is a SHOCKER how fast this year flew by. Sometimes you made our class SNICKER. You should get paid 100 GRAND for always going the EXTRA mile to make learning JOYful.
I SKORed having you as my teacher. TAKE 5 and have MOUNDS of fun this summer!


  1. LOVE IT! "M" and "M" families that have kids in Brown's class at're too late. We are stealing the idea first! :)

  2. I was going to call you today and ask you what you did because I saw your name and reason for being at the school on the Visitor sign in sheet! Now I know. Thanks!
