November 25, 2010


Our little Alyssa was climbing up our dresser and it fell on top of her. She was not seriously injured at all. But Chris had to pull the dresser up off of her and I've always heard horror stories of kids who do that and have to be hospitalized or have died so it really scared me. We've said a lot of thank you prayers that Heavenly Father kept her safe. So for the safety of your kids, please anchor your dressers and bookcases to the wall! Walmart sells a pack of 8 brackets for $4.98 HERE.

That being said, we have a very useless broken dresser that is doing nothing for us. If there is anyone who is getting rid of a dresser or would like to sell us one for cheap, we would appreciate any help. If you have anything, you can contact me at tewinters1[at]yahoo[dot]com

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you're enjoying some good food and the company of friends and family today.

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