November 29, 2010

Pennies for heroes

My husband's extended family never ceases to amaze me. I got this email from his cousin and thought I would pass it on.

"Hi Friends-

My brother, Mike, who was a police officer for several years, started a charity which is “dedicated to providing help to the families of our fallen military men and women, fallen law enforcement and fallen fire fighters who have died or sustained serious injury while doing their duty to protect America.” The following press release Mike wrote is one example of how they work. I thought I would share for anyone shopping on-line for Christmas gifts!


On Friday 10/29/10 we went into the home of slain Sevier County Sheriff’s Deputy Franco Aguilar to re-insulate it. We had learned that Franco’s wife Jamie was spending approximately $250-$300 a month on heat bills last winter. In the attic we were able to seal it (we found birds living in the attic space) and then blow in 2 to 2.5 feet of new insulation, significantly raising the R-value. The professionals who assisted us think it will cut her heat bills by more than 50% this winter.

Franco is one of four police officers killed in Utah this year. They are a fraction of the 140 that have died thus far in 2010 nationwide. In addition to the police officers, there have been 71 fire fighters killed. Many of these heroes leave behind loved ones like Jamie and her kids who need help. Last week alone, there were 9 police officers killed, leaving 14 children, and 10 grandchildren.

This Christmas, if you plan to buy anything from any of the following retailers, you can help these families by purchasing your items online & through our website. It will not cost you one penny more, and you will be helping us improve life for these people.






Office Max

Office Depot

We will add additional stores upon request. You can find our site at Thank you!
(You can also purchase gift cards to be used at the store if you prefer shopping in person rather than online.)"

What a great way to help those in need this holiday season! I know that a lot of you have either done all your shopping or are almost done; but if you want to help, all you have to do is go to their website here , click on "donte by shopping" and shop away.

Jenny Childers

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