July 30, 2012


Sisters, I find that I need to share with you one of my vices. I haven't done this in a long time, but this morning the ward emailed out that list of missionary scriptures, one a day for the month of August, and I just couldn't help myself. You see, I love fonts. Really love them. And so I made printables of each of those scriptures. There's no rhyme or reason to which fonts I chose (though I tried to stay away from script fonts that beginning readers would have trouble with). And the border is as plain jane as it gets. But as long as I spent my entire morning on this I figure I should share it with you. I've uploaded both the pdf version and the Word version (in case some of the fonts don't work or you want to do something different. At least you won't have to do all that copy/pasting.). I uploaded them to Google Docs, and the links above will take you to them.

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