September 23, 2009

October Craft Night

For October's craft night, we are doing something I have been wanting to do for a very long time now....BEAD WATCHES!!!! I am so excited!
It will be on Tues Oct 20th @ 7:30pm at Christine G. house and Monique F. is going to teach it. Due to the time needed to get the supplies, we need people to RSVP to either jennifer(dot)childers(at)gmail(dot)com or chelsie_larson(at)hotmail(dot)com by October 2nd. Thanks!
Jenny Ch.


  1. Hi Jenny! Do you girls know what the cost will be on those cute bead watches? Thanks!!!

  2. I was wandering the same thing. I am REALLY interested in getting some of those. Thanks!!

  3. I think I would like to make one. I also would like to know about price. Thanks Susan
