August 31, 2010

Potluck Luch at Dora's

Mark your calendar, Tuesday Sep 14 at 11:30 potluck lunch at my house. I just need two people to bring rolls and one person meat sandwich, Let me know if you are planning to bring any of those. The rest whatever you can bring, it will be great.

August 30, 2010

Park Days Are Back

Now that school has started up again and the weather is beginning to cool off it's time to get back to our weekly park days (sorry to all of you who came during the summer to find nobody else there). All are invited to come to the Ventana West Park (by the round about on Ventana West Parkway and Ventana Ridge) tuesday mornings at 10:00. Moms get to socialize kids get to run around and play....everyone leaves happy and refreshed (well, most of the time)!

If you need directions to the park you can contact Holly Yorgason.

August 26, 2010

Gap, Banana Republic and Old Navy 30% Off

If anyone would like a coupon for Gap, BR, Old Navy, Piperlime, or Athleta Friends and Family days let me know, I will forward you a coupon code.

You can use it in stores or online now through Sunday.  

30% off EVERYTHING, sale included!  (Not sure if it can be combined with the Groupon or not)

E-mail me at


August 25, 2010

BIG Boxes?

I am looking for some extra large boxes. My boys have been trying to build a club house but our boxes are just too small. So do you have any refrigerator boxes or something similar? I'll come and pick them up if you don't mind us snatching them from you.


August 24, 2010

Boys 4T Clothes

If anyone would like a few size 4T boys good repair....let me know, I spared a few before I did a Goodwill drop off.

Some t-shirts and a few pair of pants.


August 23, 2010

Knight and Day- Movie night!!!

Anyone up for girl's movie night???
Tomorrow night 6:50 at the Cinemark Movie Theatre- AKA the dollar theatre. Meet there or call Susan T for a ride.

Knight and Day
Opened June 23, 2010 | Runtime:2 hr. 10 min.
PG-13 brief strong language and sequences of action violence.

A wholesome, Midwestern woman accidentally gets involved with an international super spy and is forced to flee the country with him while he protects a dangerous new piece of technology.
Cast: Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz, Peter Sarsgaard, Jordi Mollà, Viola Davis, Paul Dano
Director: James Mangold
Genres: Action ComedyAction

August 20, 2010

Cherry Tomatoes

I have oodles of cherry tomatoes that need a good home. If you're interested give me a call or come by and pick them up. (I'm in the directory).

Holly Yorgason

Sunshine Generation

Hey friends, most of you know that Andrea R. is the director here for Albuquerque's "Sunshine Generation"... non-auditioned children's performing group for boys and girls ages 3-11. (divided up into age appropriate groups)
She emphasizes on singing, dancing, showmanship and confidence. Sunshine Generation offers a well rounded performing curriculum.
She has turned her upstairs into a yeah...a performing studio right here in Ventana Ranch. Classes start Wed. Sept. 8th..if you are interested let her know, classes are filling up. Flyers will be going home next week in the local public schools, so she wanted to let you guys know first.
If you are new to Sunshine Generation...first class is FREE...come and give it a try. Tuition is only $36 a month.
Call her at Andrea R. at 505-715-2841 or email to for more information.

August 19, 2010

GAP groupon!

You can get $50 worth of GAP for $25!! Go here to check it out!

August 18, 2010

Just to let you know.

REMEMBER: Cell Phone Numbers Go Public this month.
REMINDER..... all cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sales calls.


To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone:
It is the National DO NOT CALL list It will only take a minute of your time.. It blocks your number for five (5) years. You must call from the cell phone number you want to have blocked.
You cannot call from a different phone number.

HELP OTHERS BY PASSING THIS ON .. It takes about 20 seconds.

August 17, 2010

September Date Night !!!!

Mark your calendars for September 24th for a HOT date with your hubby! Explora is open from 6:30 - 10 pm for adults ONLY. Okay so maybe it is not a totally hot date, but I think it could be really fun. I like to beat my husband in silly contests like boat building and paper cup flying; we are nerds like that. If you've never been there are plenty of hands on activities and experiments that will make you laugh and keep you entertained. It cost $7 per adult.
If you want, meet at the Taylor Ranch Dions on Montano and Coors at 5:30pm for dinner before. Then we'll mosey on over to Explora for a hopefully hip hoppin'ing time!

We love single people, too! Come all. It will be a great chance to mingle and meet! If anyone wants to go together then leave a little note or sum'in in the comments.

See you then and here's to a wild night at Explora 'cuz it's gonna be off da' hook!

ASL Classes...again!

Hello All!!

I figured it was time to start up my ASL classes again. (I'm missing my friends...sniffles.) So roll up your sleeves, get your hands warm and come join me.

I was going to write a long, cute blurp, but have decided to go with the more direct approach.

Every Thursday at 9:30-10:30am at my house.
I try to teach about 25 words per class, but you end up learning WAY more signs than that.
Session I Sept 2-Oct 7
Session II Oct 14-Nov 18

This time around I am going to charge $20/session. Here is why. You have to buy my friendship. I am going to make a small book with the word and other goodies PLUS an actual DVD with the words signed on it. (That way when you are lonely at night, you can simply put in the DVD and watch me all night.) So the money is to pay for those supplies. My friendship is free.

If you are interested, email me at stef(dot)burns(at)

Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention. You can come with your kids. I have no problem with that. Chaos is my middle name...not really, but it should be. There is a trampoline, a swing and sand box in the back. Plus a bunch of toys upstairs...mostly scattered on the floor waiting to be stepped on played with.

Hope to hear from you all soon!

Free Krispy Kreme for Good Grades

Krispy Kreme offers free doughnuts for good grades! Every A -or the equivalent if your school doesn't use A's and B's- gets you an original glazed doughnut. Up to six doughnuts per report card. Alexi and Jamison scored a dozen between the two of them today. Dig up last years report card and head to Krispy Kreme!

August 16, 2010

Free baby food

I have 24 2.5 oz pears and another 24 banana baby food, one oat meal cereal and few larger different flavors of baby as well. Let me know,

Canner anyone?

I was wondering if anyone has a canning system I can borrow? I have the jars, lids, etc; I just need something the process the jars. I have peaches coming out my ears and I need to can them. In return, you just might get a fresh peach pie! Thanks

Jenny Ch.

August 15, 2010

The Happiness Project- book club discussion

Get ready for an evening of amazing conversation about the finer points of being happy. We will meet (weather permitting) Thursday Night at 7:30 in Melissa S's backyard and discuss "The Happiness Project". Come with your opinions and some snacks if you like. Didn't read the book? Come to see if it's one you'd be interested in. Rather just chat? Come around 9:30 to schmooze and gab. All are welcome. See you there.

August 14, 2010

Baby-3T boys' clothes available

I finally sorted through Jack's clothes and I have a big bag full from a couple preemie sizes up to 3T. Some are Summer clothes and some are Winter clothes. There's Gymboree, Old Navy, Gap, and a bunch of other brands. A lot are in really good condition but there are some that have stains. I also have a couple pairs of shoes and a pair of sandals that are size 8 that he wore about a year ago. They are in play condition but still have lots of life left. If anyone is interested in any of the clothes please give me a call 710-8042.

Kara H.

August 13, 2010

the scoop on teachers

Has any of your kids had Mr. Johnson (3rd grade) or Ms. Roberts (1st) grade at VRES? Email me with your opinions- melissa dot lee dot spencer at gmail dot com. If you want info back on Ms. Townsley, Ms. Van Patten, Ms. Kettler or Ms. Martinez I can do the same for you....

Yard Sale

Shay T. is having a yard sale this Saturday, August 14th from 7 am to 1 pm. It is mostly baby stuff. I have a lot of baby girl clothes size 0 to 3T and baby boy clothes 0 to 9 months. I've also got some other baby gear-swing, bassinet, bouncer chair, girl crib sheets, etc. Our address is on the ward list.

Going to Provo?

Are there any sisters going up to Education week in Provo starting on Monday (Aug. 16th) of next week (maybe leaving this Sunday)? If so, I wanted to see if I could catch a ride up to Provo. Of course I could pitch in for gas.......
Let me know...
Andrea R. (phone number in ward list)

August 12, 2010

FREE Explora and Zoo

Friday, August 13th, Explora is doing a FREE day. The catch is you have to be there by 10am. The doors open at 6am. I am sure it will be crowded, but I like free stuff.

The Zoo is having a free day on Monday. I do not know the exact times; if it is like Explora or not, but I bet you could call and find out!

Happy Exploring and Zooing!

Back to School Garage Sale...

I'm having a garage sale this weekend, Sat. Aug. 14th, after spending the last few weeks getting some things together trying to organized and get ready for school...thought it'd be a good time. If any of you have some things you want to come sale, you are welcome to do that. Also, it could be an opportunity to trade/swap with some sisters (clothes, and things for school, etc.) It will be this Saturday, Aug. 14th 7:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. Let me know if you want to bring stuff over to sale, so I can make some room.
Andrea R. (phone number on ward list)

Going to the temple soon?

Carolyn K. in the ward needs some help with temple names. If you are going to the temple and aren't bringing your own names, please ask for the names listed under her name. She asked me to spread the word. Thanks sisters!
Andrea R.

August 11, 2010

swap for meet the teacher?

For those of you with school age and also younger kids attending VRES this year:

Are you interested in doing a babysitting swap for the Ventana Ranch meet the teacher? I have 5 kids and 3 are not in school. I have to meet my two older kids' teachers sometime from 1-3 on Friday. Here's what I thought might be easiest- I watch your younger kids on the playground while you go with your older kids to meet their teachers and then we switch. Email me at melissa dot lee dot spencer at gmail dot com or call if interested. Number is in the ward list.
Many thanks.

Oriental Trading

Anyone need anything from Oriental Trading? I can get free shipping with a $39 order. I have maybe $20 so if anyone out there needs anything let me know! Susan T in the ward list or email jsturner1@q(dot)com. Thanks!

August 10, 2010

Cow anyone?

I have a friend whose family has an extra cow they raised here in corralles. As of this post there are at least 2 quarters still available. They are selling in quarters, which ends up being about 150 lbs of beef, all different cuts. It is $3/lb which is awesome for grass fed, organic, local meat. If anyone is interested in a quarter, or getting together with friends to share a quarter, let me know! The cow will be ready in 3 weeks.
Megan R. (number is in ward directory)

REMINDER: Baby Shower for a new sister in the ward

Just a quick reminder that tonight is the baby shower for a new sister in the ward. If anyone is available tonight, we hope to see you here! Here's the original post I put on the blog:

It's a girl!!

Rachel Christensen and her husband have recently moved into the ward from out of state for her husband to attend school. They do not have any family here in NM and so far haven't been able to meet very many people from the ward. She will be having her first baby in a couple weeks and we all know that with your first baby you have to have a baby shower, right? Holly and I would like to host this for her and think it is also a great opportunity for her to meet some sisters from the ward. If you can attend we would love to have you and hope you will reach out to welcome this new sister into the ward.

The shower/welcome party will be held on August 10th, 7pm at Lisa Justice's house.

Thanks for all the support!

August 9, 2010

Auto Mechanic?

We need some work done on both of our vehicles. Does anyone have a reliable, honest mechanic that they could recommend?

Free boys shoes

I have 4 pairs of boys shoes size 3. Isaiah grew a full foot size in 3 months so needed new shoes again. They are in good condition 2 Sketchers, 1 New Balance and 1 Nike. If anyone wants them let me know. If not I'll take them down to Goodwill.
January H.

August 5, 2010

Coronado Mall Gift Card

I am a member of "the club" which sends out 10$ gift card vouchers about 4 times a year. You just sign up, they email you when one of their special dates are coming, you print the email and show up at the mall with it and your id to get a free 10$ gift card. Go to to sign up. You may be able to do it tonight and get the email by tomorrow. Warning: Last time I went on the second day and they were out of gift cards. If you go I would go first thing the first day. Happy Shopping!
Here is the email they sent me:

Visit Coronado Center and receive a
FREE mall gift card!

Hi Susan,

It's always a good time to treat yourself, so start shopping at Coronado Center with a FREE $10 mall gift card - exclusively for members of The Club!

Just print this email and bring it to the Redemption Zone located in Sears Court on August 6 and August 7 during all mall hours.

Limited number of cards available, so hurry in while supplies last!

No purchase necessary. The email recipient must present a valid, government issued ID which matches the name on this email correspondence. Limit one per person, while supplies last.

Coronado Center, 6600 Menaul NE, Ste 1, Albuquerque, NM 87110

Terms & Conditions: The email recipient must present a valid, government issued ID which matches the name on this email correspondence. This reward is intended for the recipient only and is not transferable. To claim your $10 in GGP gift cards (the "Reward"), bring this email to the above-referenced GGP retail center during the hours noted above. Reward quantities are limited and only available between August 6, 2010 and August 7, 2010 or until supplies are depleted, whichever date is earliest. Limit one Reward per person. Limit one Reward per valid email address. In the event of a dispute regarding multiple entrants with identical email addresses, the Reward will be solely distributed to the first person who claimed the Reward. Available only to members of The Club who are 17 or older. Any and all taxes relating to the Reward are the responsibility of the receiving party. Employees of General Growth Management, staffing company and their parent and subsidiary companies, including family members living in the same household of said employees, are not eligible. By participating, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY.

Needed: Plumber

We are in need of a plumber and would love to hire someone in the ward, if there is one available.
Please call chelsie L. (Number is in ward directory)

August 4, 2010

Primary Composition Book

For the kindergarten supply list for Tierra Antigua, it says the kids need 2 "Primary composition books." According to the list, "these books allow the student to write at the bottom and illustrate a picture at the top." I went to Wal-Mart, Staples, and Office Max, and no one knew what on earth I was talking about, and they certainly didn't carry them in the store (as far as I could tell). Do these things really exist, and if so, can some one tell me where to get them?

Good deal on Hunger games book?

Hey you deal seeking ladies,
Does anyone know where I can find the last Hunger Games book for the best price? If it's from an online store, does the price include shipping?

Can I borrow your Happiness Project?

I hear book club is the place to be! So in an attempt to be cool, does anyone have a copy of this month's book that I can read? Just let me know. 899-2509


Needed: kids clothes

I am in need of "like new" hand-me-down clothes for all 5 of my kids.
Sizes are:
12 yr old girl- 8-10 in womens and 9 shoes
13 yr old boy- 30x32 in mens and 10 shoes
9 yr old boy- 8-10 in boys and 2 shoes
6 yr old boy- 6 in boys and 13 shoes
4 year old boy 5 in boys and 11 shoes
Leah N.

August 3, 2010

Happiness Project

I have a copy of "The Happiness Project" that I am done with if anyone needs a copy. I am going out of town in the morning, so call me and you can pick it up today.

Darbie W.

August 2, 2010


Hi. I'm new to the ward and am needing to find a free peschool for my 4 year old. I am a single mom with very low income and just need some ideas. I am going to be going to school and working. Thanks!
Leah N.