October 3, 2010

Baby Stuff

We have quite a bit of family coming to visit us this weekend for Natalie's baptism. We will have 5 babies staying with us. I was wandering if anybody had some baby items that I could borrow just for the weekend. Please call me or email if you are willing to lend me some stuff. www(dot)taystephhot(at)msn(dot)com. Thanks!

2 pack-n-plays

2 high chairs or booster seats for the kitchen table

1 baby swing (for an outdoor swingset)

1 baby gate

Also, I haven't had much response in regards to the missionary meals. We are in desperate need of filling next week's schedule, Oct 4th-9th. PLEASE let me know if you are available to help out!


  1. I have a chair that connects to the table. I also can feed the sisters Tuesday or Wednesday evening. Let me know. Thanks.

  2. Marne, I'll put you down for Wednesday evening. Thanks so much!!

  3. Steph, I have a pack n play you could use. I also have a bassinet if one of the babies is young enough for it. Maybe 3-4 months or less. I will try to call you later, or you can call me. Angela

  4. I have a pack 'n play you can borrow. I also have a booster seat that goes on a regular chair. Let me know when is a good time to drop it by. Christine :0)
