May 31, 2011
Summer movies
Go here for more info.
May 30, 2011
YW Service Project
Support the Young Women as they help homeless Veterans!
The YW will be collecting trial size items for hygiene kits to distribute to Veterans calling the streets of Albuquerque and the surrounding areas "home". NM Veterans in Need will distribute these kits to those Veterans who served so proudly. These kits allow these individuals to maintain their health and dignity, regardless of their housing situation.
We need trial sized hygiene items!
If your family is traveling this summer and have unused items from a hotel, please consider donating them. Maybe you can pickup a few small items to donate in the grocery store. Every little bit helps!
Here are the items we will be compiling into kits on July 20, 2011:
liquid soap
mouthwash - non-alcohol
hand sanitizer - non-alcohol
snack crackers
small first aid kits
gallon-sized zip-loc bags
If you have questions, please contact the Young Women’s presidency or Phyllis Shingle at 899-2510.
May 28, 2011
Ventana Ward RS Additional Meeting
We will have our next quarterly additional meeting in a couple of weeks to kick off summer and celebrate all the wonderful time we can spend outside! Here are the details:
Topic: Gardening
Tuesday, June 14th
Ventana Building
7:00 pm
We will have a panel of expert gardeners/landscapers from our ward. They all have some great information to share with us about how to make our yards awesome! Then, we will have them sit as a panel and open up the meeting for questions. Please be prepared with questions for them about things you would like to learn.
For refreshments, we will be serving fresh garden salads. We need a bunch of ladies to volunteer to bring a salad! It can be green/veggie or fruit salad, but just something that is fresh and healthy that "could" be grown in a garden, even if you didn't grow it yourself :) Please e-mail michechapman(at)gmail(dot)com to sign up!!
May 27, 2011
Favorite Dr?
May 26, 2011
Ferret Anyone???

A friend of ours has to get rid of her female 3 year old ferret because the apartment building she is living in won't allow them. It is free and comes with everything you would ever need, tall cage, toys, litter box, yes it's trained, even food for the next month. Let me know if you have any interest. Susan T jsturner1@q (dot) com
This picture is not the actual ferret......
Ideas PLEASE!!!!!!!
However, I am scratching my head for ideas. PLEASE HELP ME. Please give me your input. What do you do? What do you like? Any great ideas or even not so great but just get-me-out-the-house activities. Please email me your ideas at rachaelboyle(at)gmail(dot)com.
Thanks, I really appreciate it!
Rachael B.
children's performance
May 25, 2011
Impromptu Guys Night Out 5/26
This is an open invitation for Guys Night Out tomorrow night (5/26). Plans below:
Meet at Buffalo Wild Wings at 8:15 pm.
Go watch Thor in 3D at 9:35 pm.
Allen Frost
Singing, Dancing, Performing Anyone?
the joys of reusable shopping bags
There are not many more wonderful things to me these days than tools that make my life easier. This is why I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the reusable shopping bags. You've seen them at the store for $1 or so. They are wonderful because:
1) you can shove WAY more groceries in them than those cheap bags they give you at the stores. I can get our entire family's groceries for 2 weeks into 10 bags. (That's saying something- there are 7 of us). This $10 investment has brought me more smiles than a lot of other servings of chocolate ice cream for the same price. You can bring in your groceries in far less trips from the car and the long handles are so much easier to carry than the plastic hand held ones.
2) I use my bags for hauling EVERYTHING. I even pack the kids clothes in them and throw them into a large suitcase for trips. Things stay organized in the luggage because everyone has their own bag but I'm not hauling 7 bags in and out of the car, plane, bus, etc.
3) Smiths will give you 5 points (5 cents) for each bag you use for your shopping. After 20 trips to the store your bag has paid for itself.
4) They last longer than a plastic bag and are more friendly on the environment. Less use of the earth's resources= less waste, happier everyone. If you're handy with a sewing machine they will last even longer. I've had mine for a year and they're still hanging in there.
Sorry, I told you it was dorky but they truly are the coolest thing since sliced bread......
Father's Day gifts
1) a favorite memories book. Have each person giving the gift contribute a few of their favorite memories, stories or lessons learned from or about that person. We did this for my dad years ago and each of my siblings and mom wrote 5 or 6 stories down about dad when he did that crazy thing on that vacation or how he always did our hair in dipsy-doodles when he gave us baths as kids or how he taught us the value of work that summer when we put in our backyard, etc. We added photos and made it on shutterfly or some other website that makes books. Everyone pitched in a few bucks and we all read him our stories on Father's day out loud (by phone or in person as a group) as we gave him the book. He LOVED it and it really told him how much we loved him and how much he had impacted our lives.
2) a "Things I love about you" book. Have each person write down 5 things they love about the person and make a similar book above (you don't even have to include pictures.)
3) a testimony book. Have everyone write down their testimony and include a picture of themselves. Make a book and bind it. (We liked doing it via shutterfly because these were so precious that more than 1 person wanted copies and they were easy to add to the order with not much more work.) Easy family history work made fun.
Happy gifting.
May 22, 2011
Another lunch for Mom's w/o kids at home during the day
May 21, 2011
favorite piano tuner
Jean Luc Matton
May 20, 2011
Sports Camp
Stake RS Activity - TOMORROW!
Don't forget - head to the stake center tomorrow morning (Saturday, the 21st) for an awesome guest speaker in the chapel and Cafe Rio-style lunch afterward. 10am to 12:30pm. See you there! Oh, and it's Sunday dress too :)
Addicted to Apps?
Every Friday they review apps and offer them for free or a discount. I love being able to see what other parents think of a particular app. Have a great day!
May 19, 2011
Book club tonight
We'll discuss "Zeitoun" tonight at my house starting at 7:30. We'll meet indoors since this weather is no so lovely (what is up with this gross weather?)
Melissa S.
May 18, 2011
CHANGES to Summer Art Classes
Doot da da loo! Here is this summer's schedule of art classes that I will be teaching from my home. There is a "register by" for each class. This means you need to let me know if your child will FOR SURE attend by this date, however, you may pay me on the first day of class. Also, there must be a minimum of 5 children per class otherwise the class will be canceled. Please bring your own cover-up for each class!
If you are interested, call Rachael B. or email me at rachaelboyle(AT)gmail(DOT)com.
(I've learned that the atmosphere can pretty stale for the first few classes because the children are quiet and reserved about their artwork. It always takes a few classes for the kids to warm up to each other and then the class is over. To make the children feel more comfortable and to create a more exciting atmosphere I like to play music in the background and serve some simple snacks and drinks AWAY from our work area. THE KIDS LOVE IT! If your child has any allergies please let me know when you register. Thanks.)
Gouache (rhymes with "squash")
Dates: May 31 and June 1 @ 4:00 - 5:30pm
June 7, 8 @ 10-11:30am
Cost: $40
Register by: May 24
*Open to children who are 7 years old and older (5 and 6 year olds can come if you feel like they can handle more instructions and details) and are interested in learning art.
Gouache is very popular among illustrators. During our four classes I will teach you how to gouache on hot pressed paper. In addition, you'll learn the basics skills of cartooning and you'll learn how to paint a realistic looking piece of artwork. Maybe one day you'll be an illustrator, too.
A fun example of gouache is from the author and illustrator, Chris Van Dusen's work. He uses gouache in almost all of his work. Check it out:
Still wondering what gouache is? Gouache is a painting technique and it also refers to the type of paint. Gouache is opaque watercolors mixed with gum (but not like the Bubblicious type). "Typical" watercolors are transparent and are more mild in colors. Gouache still uses water to thin it out like regular watercolors, but it acts more like acrylic paint because of how it covers. Yet, it has the smooth flow as watercolors and can be very bright. Some gouache work is typically mistaken to be done on a computer because it can be so smooth and even textured. Confused yet?
Color Crazed
Dates: June 23, 24, 27, 28
Times: 10am- 11:30am
Cost: $45
Register by: June 16
*This class is geared for younger children ages 4-6.
Let your creative juices fly in this wackiest of wacky art classes! You'll explore with different materials everyday to create a new art project (or be the project). I'll supply the out-of-this-world materials, teach you the art skill, and then give you the outline. ...The rest is up to you. You'll make, create, sew, and paint. You'll wear, tear, squish and squirt. You'll sponge, stamp, peal and wipe. This is your not-so-everyday-art-projects with your mommy-never-lets-me-use-those-at-home materials. Everyday will have a theme. However, not every project relates to the theme - it just adds to the zaniness.
Thursday: Spots N' Dots - Come dressed in spots and dots!
Friday: Big Bang - Come dressed like a mad scientist!
Monday: Wet N' Wild - Wear your bathing suit under your normal clothes and bring a towel!
Tuesday: Crazy hat or hair day!
Lettering and Calligraphy
Dates: July 5 - 8
Times: 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Cost: $35
Register by: June 28
*Open to children who can read, write and have a good command of their own handwriting and are interested in learning art.
Join us for some seriously original artwork. Lettering is all around us and is a real skill used for art, signs, letters, banners, invitations and so much more. (This skill has personally been the most useful to me. At BYU I worked as one of the college's artist. I mostly made signs and painted windows. I've continued painting windows and using my lettering skills to earn extra money to this day.) Getting anyone to print outside of their normal handwriting is difficult. Coming up with their own font is even harder. But once you grasp the concept you'll doodle on everything.
In four classes you will learn and create several writing styles from funky and fancy fonts with everything in between. Boys and girls will both enjoy it. This is more than just using a pen to write, we will use other media to create real artwork using real art skills.
Mixed Media
Dates: July 11, 13, 18, 20
Time: 10:00 -11:30am
Cost: $45 per child
Register by July 4
*Open to children 5 years old and older who are interested in learning art.
In this session you will learn out-of-the-box art skills while exploring a more contemporary flare to art by using several media for one piece of artwork: paint, paper, sealers, glue, pens... This will push you to create what is not "typical". The goal will be to produce 2 or 3 pieces of artwork that you are proud of. We'll use brushes, sponges, fingers and fabric to apply our media. It's gonna be fun and super messy so bring your own cover-up and wear old clothes.
Black and White
Dates: August 8, 9, 10, 11
Time: 10:00 - 12:00am
Cost: $50
Register by: August 1
*Open to children 7 years and older. (5 and 6 year olds can come if you feel like they can handle more instructions and details.)
Each day you will learn a new art skill while using a different black and white medium with only a miniscule amount of color. Working with only black and white makes shading more easy and simplifies contrasting. However, and most excitingly, black and white artwork has a hip, crisp, and contemporary attitude to it. Just to give you a glimpse of the fun, one of our super exciting projects is going to be a silhouette landscape painting only using black, white and grays with acrylic paint on canvas. (The last class I taught thought this project was awesome!) Other media will include charcoal, chalk, oil pastels and pens. Because we will do something different each day the class will be 2 hours long to give us enough time to complete each project. It's going to be awesome so come prepared to learn and create!
Krispy Kreme card?
May 17, 2011
Ladies Without kids at home during the day lunch
May 16, 2011
Park Days!
We discovered recently, that no one is heading to the park on Tuesday mornings as they've done in the past. We think it's because no one has "said it." So, let's say it! There's not much of the school year left, but let's start the park days up again. Tuesday mornings, 10am, Ventana West park at the rotary.
All are welcome. Bring your neighbors too!
May 15, 2011
Memorial Day BBQ!
WHERE: The large park off Kayenta
WHEN: Memorial Day, Monday 30th @ 3:30
Matt and I always feel most homesick on Memorial Day and Labor Day because we miss having the BIG BBQ! Not this year! We are taking matters into our own hands and throwing a Memorial Day Bash!
It will be BYOM and D (Bring your own Meat and Drinks) and everyone will be assigned to bring a side to share.
RSVPing is a MUST! We want to be able to have a few (maybe lots) of BBQs there for grilling and some fun games to play and in order to plan we need the numbers in advance! Please email, facebook, call me by Monday, May 23rd!
Can’t wait!
Matt and Chelsie L.
Bead Temples

Hello ladies,
I wanted to share a pretty amazing craft (summer craft night anyone??) that we made in Georgia. I showed both YW presidents, and the Volcano Cliff's Activity Days leader and they all think that it is pretty amazing. It is great because although it looks fragile, it is made from beads and is quite durable. I let my nursery kids pass it around while we sing "I Love to See the Temple".
Here is the link to the website.
I thought that if we consolidated our order, we could get a discount on the patterns and supplies. Let me know if you are interested.
May 14, 2011
Family looking for a house to rent
A friend of a friend's family is moving to Albuquerque and looking for a home to rent starting June 1st. They're looking to sign a year lease and are hoping to find a house with 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, and rent around $1300. They are very interested in Ventana Ranch and would be happy to be in either the Volcano Cliffs or Ventana Ranch Ward! Email her at crescentmarchant (at) gmail (dot) com if you have any info.
Sara R.
May 13, 2011
June Book Club (the other book club)
We had fun the other night talking about the Giver. Okay, so maybe we weren't just talking about The Giver. But it was great company, good food and some really entertaining background noises as Deaf Hubs was going to sleep while 2 1/2 of my children were screaming at the top of the staircase. It was glorious!
Really, it was. I love it!
So next month Kellie Hood chose to read "A Book of a Thousand Days" by Shannon Hale. Here is the teaser:
When Dashti, a mucker from the steppes of Titor's Garden, one of the 8 Realms, becomes Lady Saren's maid, she enters into a struggle between Saren and her father. The Lord of Titor's Garden has declared that his daughter will marry Lord Khasar of Thoughts of Under, when Saren reveals that she has betrothed herself to the young Khan Tegus of Song for Evela. To tame his daughter, Saren's father shuts her and Dashti, the only maid willing to accompany Saren, in a tower far away from his city. He claims he will only release them after seven years, or if Saren will relent and marry Khasar. See what happens when her father never comes back and the two girls are left alone in the tower with out any knowledge of his death.
Hope to see you next month!!
ASL Class correction
So the ASL Class that we are teaching will be:
June 14, 16, 21, 23. (Those are Tuesdays and Thursdays.)
The times will be 1-1:45pm.
It's a total of $25/child. Unless you have more than one child. Then it is $20 every child after that.
We will be giving out a DVD to help review and practice.
We have about 10 kids, so we are just going to combined the class and split them up during practice time.
There is still room if you are interested.
stef.burns at
May 11, 2011
Summer Art Classes
I've learned that the atmosphere can pretty stale for the first few classes because the children are quiet and reserved about their artwork. It always takes a few classes for the kids to warm up to each other and then the class is over. To make the children feel more comfortable and to create a more exciting atmosphere I like to play music in the background and serve some simple snacks and drinks AWAY from our work area. THE KIDS LOVE IT! If your child has any allergies please let me know when you register. Thanks.
Gouache (rhymes with squash)
Dates: May 31, June 1, 7, 8
Time: 10-11:30am
Cost: $40
Register by: May 24
Open to children who are 7 years old and older (5 and 6 year olds can come if you feel like they can handle more instructions and details) and are interested in learning art.
Gouache is very popular among illustrators. During our four classes I will teach you how to gouache on hot pressed paper. In addition, you'll learn the basics skills of cartooning and you'll learn how to paint a realistic looking piece of artwork. Maybe one day you'll be an illustrator, too.
A fun example of gouache is from the author and illustrator, Chris Van Dusen's work. He uses gouache in almost all of his work. Check it out:
Still wondering what gouache is? Gouache is a painting technique and it also refers to the type of paint. Gouache is opaque watercolors mixed with gum (but not like the Bubblicious type). "Typical" watercolors are transparent and are more mild in colors. Gouache still uses water to thin it out like regular watercolors, but it acts more like acrylic paint because of how it covers. Yet, it has the smooth flow as watercolors and can be very bright. Some gouache work is typically mistaken to be done on a computer because it can be so smooth and even textured. Confused yet?
Color Crazed Camp
Dates: June 27 through July 1
Times: 10am- 11:30am
Cost: $55
Register by: June 20
This class is geared for younger children ages 4-6.
Let your creative juices fly in this wackiest of wacky art classes! You'll explore with different materials everyday to create a new project (or be the project) each class for a whole week. I'll supply the out-of-this-world materials and give you the outline. ...The rest is up to you. You'll make, create, sew, and paint. You'll wear, tear, squish and squirt. You'll sponge, stamp, peal and wipe. This is your not-so-everyday-art-projects with your mommy-never-lets-me-use-those-at-home materials. Everyday will have a theme. However, not every project relates to the theme - it just adds to the zaniness.
Monday: Crazy hat day!
Tuesday: Big Bang - come dressed like a mad scientist!
Wednesday: Wet N' Wild Wednesday - wear your bathing suit under your normal clothes!
Thursday: Dress like your favorite super hero or princess but make sure your costume can get messy.
Friday: Crazy sock day!
Lettering and Calligraphy
Dates: June 29, July 1, 6, 8
Times: 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Cost: $35
Register by: June 22
Open to children who can read, write and have a good command of their own handwriting and are interested in learning art.
Join us for some seriously original artwork. Lettering is all around us and is a real skill used for art, signs, letters, banners, invitations and so much more. (This skill has personally been the most useful to me. At BYU I worked as one of the college's artist mostly making signs and painting windows. I've continued painting windows and using my lettering skills to earn extra money to this day.) Getting anyone to print outside of their normal handwriting is difficult. Coming up with their own font is even harder. But once you grasp the concept you'll doodle on everything.
In four classes you will learn and create several writing styles from funky and fancy fonts with everything in between. Boys and girls will both enjoy it. This is more than just using a pen to write, we will use other media to create real artwork using real art skills.
Mixed Media
Dates: July 11, 13, 18, 20
Time: 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Cost: $45 per child
Register by July 4
Open to children 5 years old and older who are interested in learning art.
In this session you will learn out-of-the-box art skills while exploring a more contemporary flare to art by using several media for one piece of artwork: paint, paper, sealers, glue, pens... This will push you to create what is not "typical". The goal will be to produce 2 or 3 pieces of artwork that you are proud of. We'll use brushes, sponges, fingers and fabric to apply our media. It's gonna be fun and super messy so bring your own cover-up and wear old clothes.
Black and White
Dates: August 8, 9, 10, 11
Time: 10:00 - 12:00am
Cost: $45
Register by: August 1
Open to children 7 years and older. (5 and 6 year olds can come if you feel like they can handle more instructions and details.)
In each class you will learn a new art skill while using a different black and white media. A little charcoal and chalk, black and white acrylics on canvas here and there with a touch of photo pens and black and white photos to give you a glimpse of the fun. Each child will take home 4 finished pieces of artwork. Because we will do something different each day, the class will be 2 hours long to give us enough time to complete our projects. It's going to be awesome so come prepared to learn and create!
Contact Rachael Boyle at rachaelboyle(AT)gmail(DOT)com or our number is in the ward directory.
nice little family looking for a place to rent this summer
We know this incredibly awesome family from Salt Lake - the dad used to be our bishop. His son is now grown and married with 2 little boys. They (the son's family) are looking to sublet a furnished apartment/house/place to live in Albuquerque from June 1st through July 31st. David worked with him for years in the Young Men's program. He is a really stellar person and we'd love to help him find a place. He hasn't had any luck looking online. If you know of anything that would suit their needs, please let me know! Michelle C in Ventana Ward directory or michechapman(at)gmail(dot)com
May 10, 2011
Pioneer Day Camp: Only 2 spots left!

Hey ladies! I just wanted to let you know that there are now only two more spots available for the Pioneer Day Camp, held July 18-22 (not Wednesday). We're going to have a ton of fun, so please let me know if your 4- to 6-year-old is interested. Registration is only $40 per child, with a family discount of $35 per child when more than one attends. If you'd like additional information about the camp, registration, and activities involved, check out THIS post.
Books needed
Borrowing a hand tamper?
Block your phone number from telemarketing companies
REMEMBER: Cell Phone Numbers Go Public this month.
REMINDER..... all cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sales calls.
To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone: 888-382-1222.
It is the National DO NOT CALL list It will only take a minute of your time. Telephone numbers placed on the National Do Not Call Registry will remain on it permanently due to the Do-Not-Call Improvement Act of 2007, which became law in February 2008. You must call from the cell phone number you want to have blocked. You cannot call from a different phone number.
HELP OTHERS BY PASSING THIS ON .. It takes about 20 seconds.
May 7, 2011
Free Picture Frames
May 6, 2011
Wanted: Your scrap wood and building supplies
So... Do you have extra pieces of building material that you have lying around, wishing it was gone, but have never found the time to take it to the dump or break it down to fit in your trash can? I'll come and take it off of your hands!! What I am looking for is: plywood, 2x4's, 2x6's, 4x4's, siding, and roofing tiles in all shapes and sizes.
Please let me know,
Rachael B.
May 5, 2011
Free Fill Dirt/Sand
1-214-364-7662. She is in the VR area. She said they would even be willing to bring the dirt to your house!
May 4, 2011
Books available
A Tale of Two Cities
The Parenting Breakthrough
(these are some of the ones we have lined up to read the next few months)
If you want to borrow them just let me know. melissa dot lee dot spencer at gmail dot com.
FYI We're discussing Zeitoun Thursday the 19th at 7:30 in my backyard. Sara R. will lead the discussion.
May 3, 2011
Aerating this weekend
Brad is renting an aerater this weekend for our yard. (May 7th) (Aerating: Puts little holes in the ground to for some air in it to help the grass grow better.) It is $90 if you rent one on your own for the whole day. The last few times we have aerated it has worked out well because other families wanted their yard aerated too, and they went in on it, so it ended up being $20 a yard. Brad is even willing to come over and do it for you, since the thing is a heavy bugger. So, let us know. He can pick it up Friday afternoon.
e-mail to rogersareblessed(at)gmail(dot)com
or call Brad R. 715-3710
Missionary/Service Opportunity?
Thank you so much!
Kim W.-
kimbiebop at g mail dot com. :)
One week!
Just a quick reminder to read "The Giver" by next Tues. Then come to book club at 7:30pm at my house...I'm Stef if you didn't know.
If you need my address you won't find it in your ward directory unless you were kicked out of the VR ward with me. Instead you can email me, stef DOT burns AT gmail DOT com and I can tell ya how to get here. Or you can call Susan Turner or Andrea Rogers, or, or,or. They can help ya out.
If you wanna bring a treat or something to share, feel free. Hope to see ya then!
May 2, 2011
Girls Night Out
Meet at the Rio Red Robin (5531 Office Blvd. NE) at 7:30 for dessert/appetizers/dinner/whatever. Afterwards we'll go to the 8:55 showing of Water For Elephants at the Rio theater.
Call me if you need directions or want to ride together!
Monique F.
Summer Spanish Class

I am offering Spanish classes with the help of Hunter and Hayden. Kids going to third grade and up. The session will be 2 weeks, Monday to Friday from 1:30 to 3:00. The cost will be 50 per child per session. The money is for Hunter and Hayden EFY /camp cost. There will up to 8 students per session. Session 1 is June 13- June 24
Session 2 is July 11- July 22
Dora Thomas
Book Drive for Young Women's Service Project

Group/Private Swim Lessons
We will be offering SWIM LESSONS in several sessions this summer:
- SESSIONS: May 16-19, May 23-26, May 31-June 3, June 6-9, June 13-16, June 27-30, July 11-14, July 18-21 & July 24-27
- We will offer GROUP ($50 per week) and PRIVATE ($75/week) with 4 x 50 minute classes each week.
- We have several TIME SLOTS: 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM, 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM, 3:30 PM
- Some evening classes are avaiable upon request.
- We will offer lessons for the following ages: SQUIRTS (3-4 year olds), NEMOS (5-7 year olds), DORY & BRUCE (7-10 year olds) and
- PARENT-TOT (3 & under plus parent).
- Group size: 3-4 kids
- Instructor to Child Ratio: 1:3 or 1:4 depending on age
- Family Discount: 10%
Be advised that this price has gone up since last year. It was $10 per hour/per kid for group lessons. One thing to keep in mind though, it's still WAY cheaper than other private pools and it's local. Smaller group sizes will most likely mean more one on one time for your kids than at the city pools.
If you used her last year, please comment and tell us about your experiences...good or bad. If you know of any other swim programs, post that too!! Please and Thank You!!!! :)
Duke City Swim Clinic
When: May 31st through June 3rd (Tues thru Fri) 8am-9am
Where: West Mesa Pool
For: Children 6 and Up. Must be able to swim across the length of the pool w/out assistance***
Cost: $10
Bring: Goggles and Towel
Register: No need to pre-register. Just show up with your money and fill out the form a few minutes before the first session starts.
Questions: Contact Janet Lyon-Huffman 249-7725 jlyonhuff{at}msn{dot}com
My boys did it last year and we had a great experience...this program really helped them improve their swimming skills. The swim team staff was very nice, but VERY firm. You are there to develop your swimming skills, not play in the water. I think they worked on four different strokes. If you have a lot of time on your hands and want to read about our experience, check out my novel length post here.
***Last years session did not require kids to be able to swim across the pool. Two of my three boys were not able to do that at the time. I guess they changed it????? I don't know if the program will be exactly like it was last year, but I'll most likely put my kids in if I can handle getting everyone there by 8am!!