April 27, 2009

Dance Lessons?

Katie is 3 1/2, and I know that she would love some sort of dance lesson. I'm thinking ballet, since she's in love with the idea of ballerinas. I'm not wild about the idea of spending $100 plus for recitals, so something on the cheaper, less-intense side would be nice. Does anyone have any suggestions?


  1. I am also interested in this. Makenna would LOVE to take a Ballet class.

  2. I have been looking for somewhere for Alexi all year. Everything is either really expensive or at night. There is a ballet/tap class at Paradise Hills that's about 35ish and on Wednesday nights. I really wish someone could teach it out of their home. Who's hiding their talents?????

  3. You can also check out the City of Rio Rancho's park and rec's site. They have tiny tot dance classes. I don't know how much they are, but I believe they run them during the day.

