At the last book club meeting it was proposed that we re-vamp the genres of books we read and their order of appearance in the que. We also selected the following books to discuss. Hopefully this will allow people to read at their own pace and grab books as they find them for good prices (can we say Amazon Super Saver shipping?)
In an effort to save space (and keep it brief for people less interested) I have posted short synopses/reviews of each book at the official blog of our book club at
FYI These books and categories were selected by the majority of people in attendance (if you don't like it I'm sorry! I'm just the messenger!)
Does anyone volunteer to lead discussions for the needed books?
Many thanks to all you awesome ladies who make Book Club so fun.
2011 Book Lineup- April through October
April 21st
The Hobbit by J.R. Tolkien
Led by Renee W.
Hosted at Wendy R's home
Religious/Foreign Culture
May 19th
Zeitoun by Dave Eggers
Led by Sara R.
Hosted in the Spencer Backyard
Prize Winning Literature
June 16th
The Graveyard book by Neil Gaiman
Need a discussion leader
Hosted in the Spencer Backyard
July 21st
The parenting breakthrough by Merrilee Browne Boyack
Need a discussion leader
Hosted in the Spencer Backyard
August 18th
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
Need a discussion leader
Hosted in the Spencer Backyard
September 15th
(need a bestseller- perhaps Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand???? We need someone to preview this for content and cleanliness)
Need a discussion leader
Hosted in the Spencer Backyard
October 20th
Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
Need a discussion leader
Need a host home
Baked French Toast - Amy H
13 years ago
Melissa, I just bought Unbroken, so I'll preview it for you guys :)