September 12, 2010

Halloween Craft

Who wants to do this cute wreath with me?

Right Now, I am thinking I will do this on OCT 12th, 2010. Just send my an e-mail to let me know who wants to come and I can send you the list of what to get--jennifer[dot]childers[at]gmail[dot]com.

Jenny Ch.


  1. I, too, follow this blog and have wanted to do this craft but am way NOT crafty. If I have someone to do it with that would be great!! Sign me up :)

  2. After looking at the steps of this craft, it is really simple so don't will do great! I will email you around the first of Sept what you need to bring. I am so excited to do this.

  3. Kara Falkner and I made this wreath and have some black burlap stirps left over for any one that wants them. Kara's number is on the ward list. Thanks for posting this cute wreath!
