March 10, 2011

The blog

Since the ward changed, I have had many people ask me what I'm going to do about the blog.  All of the ladies I talked to thought we should still keep it the way it is, but I thought I would see what you all think.  Would you mind taking the poll on the sidebar?  It will be up for 1 week and is ANONYMOUS, so if everyone could take it that would be great!  Also if you have comments or suggestions please comment below!  Thanks.

PS it will not hurt my feelings if you want to make it just for Ventana ward!  I will just have to find a new blog admin!  :)


  1. First of all thank you to Kristie for setting up something that has helped so many. I love the blog.

    Second, I feel so strongly that this is a blog for Sisters who help each other out. Why on Earth would be stop doing that? This blog rarely has anything to do with actual "Ward" activities. I hope we can keep it and many other things we do, park days, book club, movie night, etc as the group of Sisters we love, not based upon where we live.

    Susan T.
