March 10, 2011

Book Club

Melissa has asked that I do a poll for book club too.  Keep in mind that once we meet sisters from VC ward, we might want to invite them as well.  Otherwise, Melissa might set up a new book club for VC sisters, and keep the current book club for Ventana sisters.  So if you wouldn't mind, let us know what you think about that too!  Thanks!!


  1. Is the issue how big the book club is going to get? We already have people attending who didn't live in the ward. Plus book club really isn't a churchy thing. Right? I still want to hang out with you all and book club is just another opportunity to do that. But that's just me....

  2. I think that's the only valid point of concern - the sheer size of the group. Once you get past 25-30 it becomes impossible to host in a living room and much less enjoyable to have a good discussion because people will naturally break into smaller conversations anyway. I think it's silly to draw geographic boundaries for it, and even worse to associate it with a "ward." We need to keep it as friends, and open to anyone who wants to read with us. We just need to come up with some ideas on what to do if it does get too big....

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My thoughts exactly, Michelle. I do worry about people feeling unable to host because there are too many people, and it becomes impossible to have a discussion when it's that large. But I also want a chance to chat with everyone who's in the new ward now. Maybe we have a few book clubs as is and then reconsider if it's out of control. Although it seems awkward to draw geographical boundaries, it does seem to be as fair a solution as any other.
