October 31, 2011

TUESDAY activities

Well, there's something for just about everyone tomorrow!  If you're looking for something to do, here are some options:

*Ventana Ward Relief Society Temple trip - Tuesday, November 1st - 10am session (for endowed sisters with current recommends)

*Park Days - EVERY Tuesday with nice weather - 10am at the Ventana West Park at the rotary (round-about) - for moms with kiddos at home and/or any ladies who want to just meet up at the park to chat and enjoy this FABULOUS weather!!

*Ventana Ward Temple Assignment - Tuesday, November 1st - the sign up sheet was blank at the end of church yesterday.  They need 3 ladies and 3 men to do initiatories at 5:30pm.  Arrive 30 minutes early.  Contact me if you intend to fill the assignment.

All assuming we make it past tonight, right?  Happy Halloween!
~Michelle C/Ventana Ward RS

1 comment:

  1. If any sisters are going to the temple tomorrow to participate in initiatories, could you please call, email, or text me? I have some family names that need initiatories. I am in the directory. Thank you!

    ~Becca P.
