We talked about doing two different books for October 15th's meeting. There is only 1 copy of The Ladies Auxiliary by Tova Mirvisat the ABQ library and no copies at RR.
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrowsis really popular and will take awhile to get at the ABQ library (132 holds) but they do have it on CD as well as it on digital audio (I don't know what that waiting line is like.) However, Rio Rancho has 8 copies of the book and no hold line for it. It looks like the Guernsey is the winner. We will need a host home and a discussion leader for this book. Any volunteers?
Also, FYI, we're doing Guns, Germs, and Steel for September 17th. Chelsie Larson will lead the discussion and it'll still be outside at my house. November 19th's book is Margaret Mitchell's Gone With The Wind. We also need a discussion leader and a host home for this book.
Happy readings,
Baked French Toast - Amy H
13 years ago
I'm happy to host at my home if there are no other takers. I also have a copy of the book that I'm willing to lend out.