August 14, 2009

Give coupons a try!

If any of you want to take a little dip into the world of couponing, this is a good week to do so! Albertson's has some really great deals this week and there is no limit to how many items you can get! The deals I'm talking about are on the front flap of the ad, and almost all of them have coupons you can find online!! Go to to print 2 sets of the coupons that match with the items, then go to Pillsbury and register to print 2 more sets of coupons. Some of the really great deals are Betty Crocker fruit snacks for 39 cents/box, Hamburger helper for 54 cents/box, nut clusters for 49 cents/bag, go-gurt for $1.09 (remember these can be frozen), and cereal for $1.00/box! Go soon because they may run out with deals like this!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much Kristie! I was able to save $125.00 on my Albertson's bill thanks to your coupon advice.
