November 15, 2009

New Moon Plans

I'm going to be purchasing tickets to New Moon on Tuesday, so I need final numbers for who is attending. If you've already left a comment on the blog or sent me an email, I've got you covered. We will be going to the 7:30 showing on Saturday the 21st (if we can get tickets!). For those that want to, we will meet at Red Robin at 5:30 for dinner. Please let me know if you're coming to dinner so we know who to expect. I'm so excited--we're going to have so much fun! Again, spread the word!

1 comment:

  1. I just called the theater at cottonwood and they are accepting super saver tickets (the ones you buy at costco, i think they are 2 for $15) for tickets to new moon. you have to go to costco, get the super saver tickets, then go to the movie theater and buy the actual movie tickets there but they are pre-selling now, so if everyone would like to save a few bucks...sorry if you've already thought of this:) Oh, and count me in chelsey for saturday night. thanks for organizing it!
