Here are the next 2 books we decided on for the book club meetings. Any volunteers to host and/or lead the discussion?
December 17th-- A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
Also, is anyone interested in doing a cookie swap as part of this meeting?
January 21, 2010 book
The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands by Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Review from Publishers Weekly
In her newest book, Schlessinger relies upon her experience in private practice, radio and letters she received from men and women in tackling the issue of women who mistreat their men and suffer the consequences of unhappiness. The women who criticize their husbands in the stories that Schlessinger relates are depressed in their marriages and feel little love from their husbands. Unabashedly asserting that man is a "very simple creature," who needs only "direct communication, respect, appreciation, food, and good loving'" to respond with devotion, compassion and love, this controversial marriage and family therapist claims that every woman can achieve a deeply satisfying marriage if she adheres to certain fundamentals men require. Preparing dinner, caring for the children without complaint, greeting her husband with a kiss and engaging in sexual intimacy instead of "tearing down a husband's necessary sense of strength and importance" can result in the harmonious marriage women crave. While many of her listeners and readers claim her unequivocal advice has salvaged teetering marriages and improved marital harmony, others perceive Schlessinger as a throwback to what many see as years of female oppression in the home. (Jan.) Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information.
Baked French Toast - Amy H
13 years ago
I think a cookie swap is a great idea. Count me in for sure!