December 31, 2010
Zumba the 4th of January
If you have a husband or someone else who would help us, let me know!
December 29, 2010
Teachings of the Presidents
December 28, 2010
NM car seat/booster seat laws
December 27, 2010
on Saturday morning, January 29th
at the Ventana Building
time TBA
As a RS committee, we have come up with several crafts to offer. Since we are planning to do another Super Saturday in October, we will be offering the more traditional "holiday" items then. So, for January, our crafts will mostly be spring/summer related. If a craft has a star by it, we do NOT have someone to teach it. These are all easy and simple (we hope), so if you would be excited to help us and "man a station" we would be ever so grateful for volunteers.
*FHE kit in a jar
*Vinyl Lettering on a single block that spells "SPRING" (wood to be decorated first, and then vinyl applied)
*Savior Matching Game (perfect for kiddos at Easter!) see sample at:
*9 Be's Wall Hanging
Flower Hair Bows
Crocheted Book Mark (learn crochet/knitting skills!) - looking forward to putting it in a summer reading book... ahh....
We do not have costs put together for these yet, but we anticipate that they should all be simple, easy, and low cost for everyone. We will have sign-ups available on Sunday, Jan 2nd. I will not be there on Sunday, but if you have any questions, or would like to volunteer, please e-mail me at michechapman(at)gmail(dot)com
Looking forward to having a creative Saturday morning with you all!
-Michelle Chapman and RS Activity Committee
December 21, 2010
Bike Rack
Zumba Today!
December 20, 2010
Free Dental Care
The Elf on a Shelf
It's free if you want it, email me at runningkitty{at}gmail[dot]com or call me, I'm on the ward list under Renee' Waterer.
December 16, 2010
Book Club Book
Sharon L.
December 13, 2010
Zumba Tomorrow
Need to work off a few goodies???
Zumba tomorrow at 8:45 at the chapel.
See you tomorrow,
December 12, 2010
Booster seat?
December 11, 2010
waterproof jacket?
Bumbo Chair?
December 10, 2010
Box needed
book needed
Melissa's copy of the Life of our Lord is taken, does anyone else have a copy I could borrow?
Kids Jackets at Walmart $8!!!
December 9, 2010
Gift Idea for Teachers
This is the message on the card:
We tried to find a stocking
but we couldn't find a spare....
So we ended up stuffing
Santa's red underwear!!
Supplies needed:
2 pieces of red felt (which will give you 2 Santa's)
3 white pom poms (per Santa)
Hot glue / gun
Green string for tying a bow
Sewing Machine ( you could hand stitch it too)
Cut out your Santa underwear and then sew together all the way around EXCEPT for the neckline. This will be your opening to stuff your favorite holiday treat. Glue on the pom poms, stuff the underwear and then thread the yarn from the back to the front and tie it off into a bow. Print off the little saying and attach to underwear with a small safety pin. (or you could punch a hole in the corner of the paper and thread your string through it before tying it off.)
*** If you want the underwear pattern, I can email you my hand drawn copy that I have.
morsyd at gmail dot com
Book up for grabs
If you have another copy to lend please put it on the blog or reply to all here. We'll meet next Thursday, Dec. 16th at 7:30 at Deb Rivard's house.
Melissa dot lee dot spencer at
Wii games
December 8, 2010
Scout Fundraiser
If anyone would like to purchase these flashlights please let Allen F. or David Miera know before Saturday. The website for the flashlights is:
Thank you.
December 7, 2010
Emergency Preparedness Survey
December 6, 2010
zumba 8:45AM Tuesday 12/7
Anyway, tomorrow 8:45 at the Chapel.
Hope to see you there,
Kellie W.
Electronic Thomas the Train Toy to Ride - FREE
BYU Bowl Game Tickets
December 5, 2010
VRES Butter Braid Distribution help
**Free to Good Home
December 4, 2010
Madrigal Feaste Ticket Available
December 3, 2010
Bookclub Muffins
Chocolate Muffins
1 egg plus one egg white
½ cup milk
¼ cup oil
½ cup plain yogurt
¾ cup brown sugar
¼ t salt
¾ t baking soda
1 cup white flour
1/3 cup whole wheat flour
¼ cup cocoa
½ t vanilla
¼ cup chocolate chips
Heat oven to 325 degrees. Combine dry ingredients except sugar. In another bowl, combine wet ingredients and sugar and whisk until mixed. Add dry to wet and mix just until moistened. Fold in the chocolate chips. Bake 18-20 minutes, just until toothpick comes out with a crumb instead batter. Makes 12 muffins Can substitute 2T applesauce for ½ of the oil, and applesauce or sour cream instead of yogurt. If you use vanilla yogurt, decrease the sugar to ½ c. and omit the vanilla.
Maple-Pumpkin Oat Muffins by Joy Bauer
¾ c. whole wheat flour
¾ c. all-purpose flour
½ c. quick oats
¼ c. white sugar
2 ½ t. baking powder
¼ t. baking soda
¼ t. salt
2 t. pumpkin pie spice(or 1t. Cinnamon, ½ ginger, ¼ t nutmeg, ¼ t. cloves)
1 egg
2 T canola oil
1/3 c. pure maple syrup
1 t. vanilla
1 c. 100 % pure pumpkin puree
½ c milk
Preheat 375. In a large mixing bowl combine dry ingredients. In a medium bowl, whisk egg, oil, maple syrup, and vanilla. Add the pumpkin and milk, and whisk to combine. Pour the wet over the dry and fold to combine. Makes 12 muffins. Can top with raw pumpkins seeds or sunflower seeds.
Bake 18-20 minutes until toothpick comes out clean. Freeze really well wrapped in plastic wrap and zippered into bag.
Christmas Party
*youth 12-18 should be there at 5:50 to help serve! Thanks!
baptism reminder
December 2, 2010
Christmas Tree

This Saturday December 4th, we are heading up to the Jemez Mountains to cut down a Christmas tree. The permit costs $10.00 and is available at the Jemez Ranger District. It is easiest to just pick one up on the way up to the mountains. If anyone is interested in coming with us please give me a call. My number is on the ward list under Stephanie H. You can also email me at taystephhot(at)msn(dot)com.
Who doesn't enjoy the smell of a fresh cut Christmas tree?! I know I do!!
Merry Christmas!!
November 30, 2010
Christmas house swap
November 29, 2010
Pennies for heroes

My brother, Mike, who was a police officer for several years, started a charity which is “dedicated to providing help to the families of our fallen military men and women, fallen law enforcement and fallen fire fighters who have died or sustained serious injury while doing their duty to protect America.” The following press release Mike wrote is one example of how they work. I thought I would share for anyone shopping on-line for Christmas gifts!
On Friday 10/29/10 we went into the home of slain Sevier County Sheriff’s Deputy Franco Aguilar to re-insulate it. We had learned that Franco’s wife Jamie was spending approximately $250-$300 a month on heat bills last winter. In the attic we were able to seal it (we found birds living in the attic space) and then blow in 2 to 2.5 feet of new insulation, significantly raising the R-value. The professionals who assisted us think it will cut her heat bills by more than 50% this winter.(You can also purchase gift cards to be used at the store if you prefer shopping in person rather than online.)"
Franco is one of four police officers killed in Utah this year. They are a fraction of the 140 that have died thus far in 2010 nationwide. In addition to the police officers, there have been 71 fire fighters killed. Many of these heroes leave behind loved ones like Jamie and her kids who need help. Last week alone, there were 9 police officers killed, leaving 14 children, and 10 grandchildren.
This Christmas, if you plan to buy anything from any of the following retailers, you can help these families by purchasing your items online & through our website. It will not cost you one penny more, and you will be helping us improve life for these people.
Office Max
Office Depot
We will add additional stores upon request. You can find our site at Thank you!
What a great way to help those in need this holiday season! I know that a lot of you have either done all your shopping or are almost done; but if you want to help, all you have to do is go to their website here , click on "donte by shopping" and shop away.
Jenny Childers
November 28, 2010
Glitter Trees Reminder :)
November 25, 2010
November 23, 2010
Madrigle Dinner
Small Boxes Needed
I am trying to put together some centerpieces for the Ward Christmas party on Dec. 3rd. I am looking for boxes that I can wrap up to look like presents that are not too big for the center of the table. If you have any PLEASE call or email me!
Kellie Wright
Book Club Suggestions
Ventana Book Club List of Suggested Reads
(Thru December 2010)
(Any listed books are recommendations by members of our book club. While we've tried to select books that are clean, personal preferences vary and memories may be faulty. Please carefully consider any book on this list before reading, as you would with any other recommendation.)
*“bold” denotes a book we’ve read and discussed
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen
Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell
Strangling your husband is not an option by Merillee Browne Boyack
How to make friends & influence people by Dale Carnegie
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish (?)
The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands by Dr. Laura Schlessinger
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin
Fiction/Historical Fiction
Papa married a Mormon by Fitzgerald
The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown
Captain Correlli's Mandolin by Louis de Bernières
A Woman of Independent Means by Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey
The Chosen by Chaim Potok
The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
The Gurnsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows
These is my Words by Nancy E. Turner
Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See
The Christmas Sweater by Glenn Beck
The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
Shanghai Girls by Lisa See
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford
Princess Bride by William Goldman
Paths of Glory by Jeffrey Archer
The Poison Wood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver
Wings by April Lynn Pike
Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld
The Host by Stephenie Meyer
Lord of the Rings by J.R. Tolkien
Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan
A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Dune by Frank Herbert
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
The Amaranth Enchantment by Julie Berry
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale
The Road - Cormac McCarthy
Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer
Movie Books
Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Seabiscuit by Laura Hillenbrand
The Soloist by Steve Lopez
Into the Wild by John Krakauer
The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emmuska Orczy,
Catch Me If You Can by Frank Abagnale, Jr.
Zeitoun by Dave Eggers - Muslim family amidst Hurricane Katrina destruction
Freakonomics by Steven Levitt
My life in France by Julia Child
Driven- biography of Larry H. Miller
Blink by Malcolm Gladwell- on first impressions
Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv
Man’s search for Meaning by Victor Frank
Even Silence has an end by Ingrid Betancourt-Columbian hostages in jungle
Nurture shock by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman
The Life of Our Lord by Charles Dickens
Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson
Queen Noor- Leap of Faith by Queen Noor
Complications: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science by Atul Gawande
Cheaper By the Dozen by Frank Bunker Gilbreth, Jr. and Ernestine Gilbreth Carey
Guns, Germs & Steel by Jared Diamond
Same Kind of Different as Me by Ron Hal & Denver Moore
Next 3 Books for Book Club
Here's the lineup for the next 3 months;
December 16 at Debra R's house: The Life of our Lord by Charles Dickens
*** This is a nice short summary of the New Testament that Dickens wrote for his kids/grandkids. EASY READ!!! Great for Christmas!
January 20: And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
February 17 (discussion led by Melissa Spencer- still need a host house): How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Any volunteers to host/lead discussion for January or February?
November 22, 2010
Christmas Parade in Corrales
The parade starts at the rec center and goes to the fire station. Get there early to grab a spot.
November 21, 2010
Eat lots of good food and we will Zumba next week!
November 19, 2010
Glitter Trees
November 17, 2010
Basketball Scrimmage
Any women/young women interested in playing basketball please come. Even if you don't know how to play....come and learn. It is such a fun sport!!! Invite your friends too :)
November 16, 2010
Holiday Traditions
Set up Christmas tree
Set up nativity
Decorate Christmas tree
Read the first Christmas story
Open a new Christmas book (we collect a new one every year. I will usually go to Deseret book after Christmas and pick our book for the next year –they are usually 50-75% off by then)
Read Christmas stories (from the collection)
Watch a Christmas movie
Camp out under the Christmas tree
Drive around to see the lights in your pj’s while having a treat (popcorn)
Indoor snowball fight (with wadded up paper)
Reindeer rides ( just like horseback rides)
Sing Christmas songs
Go to the temple and see the nativity
Make your favorite holiday treat
Take a treat to a friend or neighbor
Draw names for sibling gift
Shop for sibling gift
Write a letter to Santa
Do a service project
Go to a free holiday concert (Christmas devotional works for us)
Make a holiday craft (We will usually make new ornaments with the kids to add to the tree)
Make/decorate a gingerbread house
Make and hang snowflakes (or you can do window clings)
Hang the stockings
Call grandma and grandpa
November 15, 2010
November 13, 2010
Come, Follow Me
If you didn't ask and could care less, ignore this post completely. In fact, don't say hi to me in the halls at church. Because I don't want to follow you either.
Ooops...There Goes My Mind
Enjoy...or don't.
Just don't tell me.
(ps, there are some really great blogs in our ward. You can find their links if you click on the names of the people to the right. Their profiles will appear and their will be a list of blogs that they contribute to. In case you want to stalk. Just saying.)
November 11, 2010
Change***SABRE Compact Pepper Spray with Pink Key Case - Supports National Breast Cancer Foundation

Anyone want to order this mace as seen in last nights self-defense class at Enrichment??? Amazon has it for 7.55 each and I have free shipping. I will order tonight at 9:00. Amazon can change their prices at anytime and this is less than the Big 5 price of 10 each, so I want to order soon. I tried to order 10 since I already have that many orders, but it only lets each person order 3! So, does anyone else have free shipping this month??? Thanks! Susan jsturner1@q(dot)com
Cool style and hot protection are combined in SABRE's most popular product. This attractive, pink compact pepper spray delivers a strong balistic stream to reduce wind blow back. Providing extremely practical protection, SABRE permits distance from your threat with its ten (10) foot range, and its quick release key ring and attachment clip ensure its accessible when needed! Help fight breast cancer as sales of this product support the National Breast Cancer Foundation! Size: 1/2 oz. Item not available to ship to DC, Hawaii, Massachusetts, or New York.
Recommendations for an eye doctor?
Thanks, Rachael B.
Book Club!
November 10, 2010
Basketball Scrimmage
Any women/young women interested in playing basketball please come. Even if you don't know how to play....come and learn. It is such a fun sport!!! Invite your friends too :)
November 9, 2010
Okay. Dumb question. Let me rephrase that. I need help keeping up with my house. Just once a month. Okay, maybe twice a month.
I am willing to pay. Not a lot, but enough. I hope.
That or I would be willing to do some kind of house cleaning prgressive dinner type thing. Start at one house one week. Then the next week we work on someone elses'?
Does that make sense?
If you are interested in either of these two ideas, email me (
November 8, 2010
Needed: 2 large glass drink dispensers
Sacha B.
November 4, 2010
$75/month, $35/registration fee
$150/month, $35/registration fee
November 3, 2010
Basketball Scrimmage
November 1, 2010
Halloween Candy Donation
All the candy that is collected is sent to our troops serving our country,
The following link will give you all the details...
FHE Blog
She's got some great FHE ideas. Short, simple, and to the point. Not too much preparation involved, which is right up my alley! There's usually an object lesson of some sort, and she includes ideas for treats.
We used one of her lessons tonight, and it was very well received. Hope this helps someone!
Toy Story 3 Coupon
Cute Spider Tutorial
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Photo via |
Yes, Halloween is over, but save this in your favorites for next year. Cheap, easy, fun and my kids were able to make them too. Hardest part is getting the buttons in the right spot for the eyes!
Needed: Cooler
October 31, 2010
October 30, 2010
October 29, 2010
Free Screening of Tangled
For Sale
October 28, 2010
needed: old magazines
Email me at melissa dot lee dot spencer at gmail dot com or call me and I'll pick them up.
October 27, 2010
CD player for missionaries
Sharon L.
October 26, 2010
Southwest Airlines is running a special...
October 25, 2010
Stale Grains
October 24, 2010
needed: knitting looms
October 21, 2010
Thanks, Rachael B.
October 20, 2010
Book Club Discussion
Get ready to discuss this month's book "The Host" by Stephenie Meyer. We'll meet at Liz E's house this Thursday at 7:30 PM. Susan Turner will lead the discussion. Hope to see you there!
October 19, 2010
Burns Annual Halloween Carnival: Last Call
It will be Sat, Oct 30 from 5-7pm. It is at the park that is in the Seville neighborhood. IF you don't know where, email me and I will let you know.
Jorgensens= Hanging Donuts
Childers= Bobbing for Apples
Evans= Photo Booth
Ostlers= Halloween Plinko
Turners=Pumpkin Broom Racing (Funeral Potatoes),Yes
Hatches= Pin the Nose on Jack
Worthens= Balloon Animals
Burns= Costume relay (Hot dogs/ root beer) Yes
Rogers=Cake Walk (Hot Dogs)
Parkins= Craft (Chili and/or Apple Cake)
Larsons=Guess how many game (Chili) Yes
Spencers=Old West Target Practice
Rivards= Bean Bag Toss (Chips)
Burns= Dress up relay
October 18, 2010
Free Baby Swing (portable)
Pediatrician in the Lovelace system
Monique F.
October 17, 2010
Zumba Tuesday
October 15, 2010
October 13, 2010
Free Cream Cheese!

So I ran out of time to post this last week, but it's back again this week! Free Philadelphia Cream Cheese! It's on sale at Smiths for 99 cents till Tuesday, Oct. 19th. The sale includes the whipped and flavored varieties of cream cheese as well!There is a $5 off 5 Kraft cheese coupon here. You can print 2 per computer. Now the tricky part. You must buy 10 of the special promotion items to get the 99 cent pricing. So if you buy 10 cream cheeses it will work. If you buy 5 it won't unless you are buying 5 other participating items. The ad for this week should be in your mail today. Last thing, you must have at least one other item in your transaction for this to work, since 10 cream cheeses at 99 cents will only come to $9.90 and your coupons will be $10. I hope this makes sense. Anyone with any great cream cheese recipes????
October 11, 2010
October 10, 2010
Tikki Torches
Sharon L.
October 9, 2010
Movie Night Tuesday

Anyone wanting to see a movie Tuesday night is invited to come to the Cottonwood Mall at 9:15 to see You Again. Some of us are coming from Craft night at Jenny C's home. We're making a Halloween Wreath. See earlier post if you want to join that. Info for the movie is listed below. Hope to see you there!
You Again
Opened September 24, 2010 | Runtime:1 hr. 45 min.
PG brief mild language and rude behavior.
Successful PR pro Marni (Kristen Bell) heads home for her older brother’s (Jimmy Wolk) wedding and discovers that he’s marrying her high school arch nemesis (Odette Yustman), who’s conveniently forgotten their problematic past. Then the bride’s jet-setting aunt (Sigourney Weaver) bursts in and Marni’s not-so-jet-setting mom (Jamie Lee Curtis) comes face to face with her own high school rival. The claws come out and old wounds are opened in this crazy comedy that proves that not all rivalries are forever.
Cast: Kristen Bell, Jamie Lee Curtis, Sigourney Weaver, Odette Yustman, Victor Garber, Betty White, Jimmy Wolk, Kristin Chenoweth
Director: Andy Fickman
Genres: SlapstickRomantic ComedyComedy
Canned Pumpkin
October 8, 2010
TidBits! of Albuquerque
I just wanted to introduce you all to a fun little FREE news paper here in Albuquerque. Its called TidBits. This newspaper has fun facts, great deals, health info, pet info, car info....just little Tidbits that are very interesting. Here this weeks online version of the paper that comes out every Friday. Please feel free to brows. This paper is dedicated to being family friendly. Please share this info with whom ever you choose and enjoy. :) (Also anyone who can get their hands on a hard copy of the paper gets a 15% off at Real Deals Home Decor store, some restrictions apply, or mention the ad at the counter and get $5.00 off-only one of these discounts per transaction. They are open Thursdays and Saturdays, but also Friday this week for balloon Fiesta.)
If you have any questions about TidBits or Real Deals give me a ring, or email me- kimbiebop at gmail dot com.
Happy browsing.
Kimberlee W.
Zumba is on for Tuesday!
Gospel Art Kit

Holly Y.
October 7, 2010
Galloping Graces Field Trip
Galloping Grace Pumpkin Patch
Antiquities Studios Picture for $10
I have a friend who is doing a fundraising type of thing for a MOPS group, it stands for Mothers Of Preschoolers.
What it is: Antiquities Studios does "Old Time" costume photos of your children in a sepia tone and you get a 10x13 picture for the $10. ALL of the $10 goes to the MOPS group as proceeds (they bank on you buying more!)
Anyway CLICK HERE if you would like to take a look at their website.
If you want to do it, you need to give me $10 and your phone number by this Sunday.
I just thought it may be kinda cute and I thought I would try to help her out. Email me if you want to buy one or if you have questions!
Donations for homeless
Make a Difference Day: This year as part of our annual contribution to Make a Difference Day 2010 we will have a drive for supplies for Cuidando los Ninos, a local organization that cares for children of homeless families. Here is a list of items we’ll collect, beginning today through Friday, October 22:
October 6, 2010
So far so good...
McCrackens= Ping Pong bounce
Jorgensens= Hanging Donuts
Childers= Bobbing for Apples
Evans= Photo Booth
Ostlers= Halloween Plinko
Turners=Pumpkin Broom Racing
Frosts= Craft
Hatches= Pin the Nose on Jack
Worthens= Balloon Animals
Burns= TBD at a later date. Rather let you all choose first.
Others who are coming but not yet decided on a booth:
If there are more of you who want to come or if I have left anyone out, please email me so I can get you on the list. I am also going to send out an email and if you haven't chosen something to do, reply to all so there are no replications.
stef.burns -at-
House for Sale
Photo Directory
"With all the new move-ins to our ward this summer, many of you have asked if we have a photo directory. We are happy to say that a photo directory is now available online at the church's new, upgraded website Once logged in with your username and password click on tools, then directory, then my family, and select edit profile. From there you can choose a photo to upload to the directory for the ward to view online."
I think this is so cool! Right now my family is the only one with a picture, so go upload one of yours right now and we can all get to know each other better!
October 5, 2010
Air Mattress
Cleaning Service??
Thursday Night
This Thursday night is open to feed the Sister Missionaries. I would hate for them to go hungry! If you are available PLEASE call me!
Stephanie H.
Calling all Crafters
October 4, 2010
I would LOVE to have Zumba tomorrow morning!!!! However, we don't have a priesthood holder to accompany us.
If you have a hubby willing to help us out, email me at kelliejh(at)yahoo(dot)com, or simply leave a msg here on this post so we all know its ON!!!
I will post again tonight with a definate YEA or NEY for tomorrow morning.
ALSO, If you have a husband that would be willing to help us out on a regular basis (like once a month or something) that would be awesome too, that way we could get it scheduled out a bit.
Thanks, Kellie.
Wanna play a little B-Ball?
A team cost $462. We will split this among the players evenly. I would like 6 players for our team. Days for games are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening. But we can put down our preference for game night. We'll only play once a week. The season last from Nov. 3 - April 7.
Let me know ASAP! Call me at home.
Thanks, Rachael
Groupon Deal of the Day- 4 movie tickets for $20 SOLDOUT!
Be sure to click on Jacksonville as the city you want to search.
Here are the details:
The first incarnation of cinema, shadow puppets on cave walls, failed miserably when fickle Cro-Magnon audiences stopped caring about the stale relationship between rabbits and eagles. Appreciate the evolution of cinema with today's Groupon: for $20, you get four movie tickets from Weekly Cinema (up to a $56 value). Although the website offers four tickets for $19.99, that price point requires signing up for a paid subscription, whereas this Groupon allows moviegoers to continue life as a marionette-turned-human with no strings attached. The four tickets can be split up for different movies or used all at once.
Weekly Cinema is a movie-watcher club that provides discount tickets valid for use at most cinemas across the nation. Upon purchasing today's Groupon, you will have 90 days to claim the tickets at, after which you will have 90 additional days to redeem the tickets at either or Each ticket has up to a $14 value and can be used toward any movie, including IMAX, 3-D and the futuristic Betamax, which has been patiently awaiting its day in the cinematic sun since its inception. For detailed instructions on how to use the Weekly Cinema tickets, click here, or instruct a nearby cat to walk across the keyboard and hope for the best.
October 3, 2010
Meet and Greet
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Paper scrapbooking supplies
Books to lend
Also, if you have an extra copy of "The Host" you'd be willing to lend out then leave a comment or send me an email at melissa dot lee dot spencer at gmail dot com. I know there are several people who would still like to read it.
Baby Stuff