December 30, 2009
Anyone need a FANTASTIC Babysitter?
Christine G.
December 29, 2009
A Fun Idea for Today
For more info, their website is
Group ice skating Thursday
December 27, 2009
A Good Laugh
December 22, 2009
December 18, 2009
Coat Drive Update
December 17, 2009
Disney's G-Force Movie Coupon
December 16, 2009
Coat and Winter Clothing Drive!
Sam and I have decided this year we wanted to donate coats and other items to keep others warm to the Burlington Coat Factory Warm Hearts & Warm Coat Drvie! We thought that there are probably other families in our ward that have too many coats and other winter clothing not being used in their closets, or that there might be families that would like to donate new coats to those in need, so we decided to start our own mini coat drive! I know there are a lot of you out there that have items to donate but find it hard to make the time to go and drop them off so we are going to help you out! Sam and I will have boxes in the north and south foyers at church for you to put your donated clothing in this Wednesday night during mutual as well as this Sunday during church. Please bring your coats and other items mentioned above to church this week and put them in the boxes. Sam and I will take care of taking them to Burlington.
If you forget to bring your coats and winter clothing to church or have too many to bring, no problem! Just give me or Sam a call and we will come and pick them up from your house! How neat is that? You don't even have to leave your house and can still help those in need!
We are planning on taking all the items donated to Burlington on the 23rd of December so this is the only week the boxes will be out so don't put this off! Take a few minutes to go through your closets and pull the items you don't use anymore, and donate them to help keep others warm this winter season. We will be willing to pick items up from your house through the 23rd of December as well.
We are so excited to have everyone take part in this great service project with us! Thank you in advance for you donations!
Rochelle D.
December 15, 2009
Cutting Tools Needed
Christmas Party Help
December 14, 2009
Great new cooking ideas
I know she wouldn't toot her own horn but this site is too good a secret to keep.
Rebecca has 8 sisters and including her Mom, they are a family of 10 amazing "foodies" who scour the internet for great recipes. They try them, tweak them to their tastes, then post them on their site.
I think I've tried 12 of the recipes they've posted and they have ALL BEEN GOOD. Chelsie Larson can vouch for this site as well. How often do you try a new recipe and then chuck it in the recycling bin the second you taste the meal? I doubt that will happen with these recipes.
Happy cooking.
needed: plastic containers
Kara F.
December 13, 2009
Real Deals on Home Decor

I had a few requests today to post information about my moms store on the blog. My mom owns Real Deals on Home Decor. The Address is: 9131 4th Street NW,Albuquerque NM 87114. If you are not receiving the store emails and would like to you can sign up at the store or you could email me with your name email and or snail mail address and I will have my mom sign you up. The emails usually have coupons in them for at least 20% off or $10.00 - $20.00 off on furniture. I have this months email if you would like me to forward it to you, just let me know. kimbiebop (AT) gmail (Dot) com
This is the latest information:
Hours Open:
Thursdays 10-6pm & Saturdays 10-5pm also instead of (or in addition to) our regular hours:
WEDS. DEC. 16, 5pm-8pm
FRI. DEC. 18, 10am-6pm
THURS. DEC. 24, 10-3
SAT. DEC. 26, 10am-3pm
THURS. DEC. 31 10am-3pm
SAT. JAN. 2, 10am-5pm
(Please read through to the end so you don't miss the coupons!)
Have you been looking for a special sign or vinyl wall message & can't find it?
will be at the store to take your orders for signs or vinyl wall lettering.
We have blank metal signs available in various colors for your unique sign!
FREE Used Clarinet
December 11, 2009
Free "A Christmas Carol" Audio Book

For those of you that are planning on coming to book club next week (or those who just need a little extra Christmas spirit), there's a free audio book of "A Christmas Carol" available at
This is a great way to pass the time while you're getting ready for Christmas!
Don't forget to join us next Thursday at Renee W.'s house!

December 9, 2009
Christmas Tree

Kristie just made a post about this but in case you weren't able to go last week here is another opportunity. Taylor and I are taking our family up to the Jemez Mountains this Saturday, the 12th, to get a Christmas tree. If anyone is interested in joining us please let us know by 8:00pm tonight and I will have Taylor get you a permit, or you can purchase one on our way up there on Saturday. They cost around $8.00. Also, we usually stop at the cafe up there and get hot chocolate afterwards to defrost our bodies! Let us know if you would like to come with us.
Stephanie Haught
December 7, 2009
Protect Marriage
You Can Help Protect Marriage In New Mexico
Dear Fellow New Mexicans,
Marriage in New Mexico is at risk! The nation-wide legal assault battering the institution of marriage between a man and a woman now threatens to bring same-sex marriage to New Mexico. As supporters of marriage we must rise up now to protect this important institution by passing an amendment to the New Mexico Constitution defining and protecting marriage.
We call on all responsible New Mexico citizens and government officials to promote measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society. It is time for all New Mexicans, including members of the legislature, to be as proactive as possible in protecting marriage and the institution of the family in the face of the rushing tide of extremism intent on devaluing New Mexico's families.
The most profound statement a free people can make in support of any issue or principle is to place it in their constitution. Thirty states now have constitutional provisions protecting marriage and defining it as between a man and a woman. A constitutional amendment defining marriage in New Mexico as between one man and one woman has been prepared for introduction in the upcoming legislative session. Similar bills have been killed in committee by radical supporters of same-sex marriage. These same radicals are preparing a bill to create same-sex marriage in our state.
Clearly New Mexico is the next target of homosexual advocates seeking to destroy marriage nation-wide. They are committed to win here because their radical agenda has been rejected by voters all over America. In November, the people of Maine voted down radical attempts by their legislature and governor to create same-sex marriage. And in New York, the state senate just overwhelmingly defeated a bill to create same-sex marriage.
To protect marriage in New Mexico you must act now!
Please sign the New Mexico Petition to Defend Marriage online here.
Forward this message to others that value traditional marriage.
Download and print a copy of the petition here to gather signatures of friends and family.
Ask your friends, neighbors, and family to sign and return it to the listed address by January 1, 2010.
Time is of the essence! All successful societies have encouraged marriage because it is essential to promoting and protecting strong families. It is the key to providing a secure future for our children and generations of New Mexicans to come. Please join us.
Angela Bentley
Director, United Families New Mexico
borrow book?
Please does anyone have a copy of Catching Fire that they are not reading right now? Mine is due back at the library and I can't renew. I just have a hundred pages left. Thanks if I can please borrow.

Hi friends. Is anyone out there looking for a Wii for Christmas? This last weekend Walmart had a really sweet deal on their Wii consoles. They were $199 (the price just about everywhere), but then you got a $50 gift card to Walmart. So, I was there getting one for our family and ended up getting two. If you would like to buy the second one, the total was $213 (with tax) and then you could use the gift card to buy extra controllers, games, or groceries! :) Email ( or call (ward list) if you are interested . Otherwise, I will return it Thursday morning. Shelley
December 3, 2009
If you love the smell of real christmas trees...

We go up to the Jemez mountains. It's about 1 1/2 hr. drive up there. There is a building you stop at on your way into the mountains where you buy your permit and they give you a map of where to cut the trees down. Make sure you bring a saw, tarp, cash/check for the permit, and a way to secure the tree to your car. If you want to go with us, we are going up this Sat. morning. Let me know if you want to join in the fun!
Babysitting Swap Saturday??
December 2, 2009
Dec Craft Night
Jenny Ch.
Sipapu Ski Resort
4th graders (report card required), guests ages 6 and younger, 40-year-olds and seniors 70 and better ski or ride FREE everyday at Sipapu!
December 1, 2009
Bridal Breakfast for Candace McGovern
When: This Saturday, Dec. 5th, 9:30 a.m.
Where: Lori Mortenson's home (directions below)
What: Bridal Breakfast...very casual drop-in. We will not be doing a "gift opening ceremony," and presents are not expected. For anyone who wants to bring something anyways, she is registered at Target.
Directions to Lori Mortenson's home:
At the Alemeda and Coors intersection, take Coors toward Corrales which turns into Corrales Road. At 4.5 miles down the road you will see a sign with apples on it that says Rome Lane. Turn left here. The Mortenson's home is the 1st house and has a white pipe fence around it. Her phone number is 898-3372.
Please call Sacha Bikhazi (792-4385) with any questions you may have. Hope to see you there!
LDS Christmas Advent Calendar

November 30, 2009
Sunshine Generations Performances
Dec. 3rd-Thurs. 1st Performance-Bio- Park Garden tent-7:00 p.m. (2601 Central Ave. NW 87104) ($3 for a child and $7 for adult)
Dec. 11th-Friday 2nd performance-Cottonwood mall-6:30 p.m. in the common area- (food court)
Dec. 12th-Saturday-3rd performance-Old Town Gazebo
2:00 p.m. (This gazebo is located in the center of the Old Town Plaza in Albuquerque)
Andrea Rogers
Garmin Forerunner 101
November 25, 2009
Laminating-APS Graphics Office
The office is open 9-5 M-F, but no children under 14 are allowed at anytime because of all the machines they have. When I called this morning the employee said that they often close early around holidays (like today). You can find the phone number, address and directions here, but I would definitely call and confirm that they are correct before I made the trek down there!! I found the info in a forum. The office does not have a website that I can find.
Laminating is $.25 per linear foot at the APS Graphics Office. Kinkos charges $2.12 plus tax for one 8.5x11 sheet and pricing goes up from there depending on size. Highway Robbery, if you ask me! I am most likely going down next Thursday the 3rd. If your Husband will be home or you are able to arrange child care and would like to carpool with me, just let me know!
November 23, 2009
Pre-order movies at Walmart and save
Here's the link of where I found them. Enjoy!
Free Computer Monitor
November 21, 2009
November 20, 2009
Car Repair
Next 2 Book Club books
December 17th-- A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
Also, is anyone interested in doing a cookie swap as part of this meeting?
January 21, 2010 book
The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands by Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Review from Publishers Weekly
In her newest book, Schlessinger relies upon her experience in private practice, radio and letters she received from men and women in tackling the issue of women who mistreat their men and suffer the consequences of unhappiness. The women who criticize their husbands in the stories that Schlessinger relates are depressed in their marriages and feel little love from their husbands. Unabashedly asserting that man is a "very simple creature," who needs only "direct communication, respect, appreciation, food, and good loving'" to respond with devotion, compassion and love, this controversial marriage and family therapist claims that every woman can achieve a deeply satisfying marriage if she adheres to certain fundamentals men require. Preparing dinner, caring for the children without complaint, greeting her husband with a kiss and engaging in sexual intimacy instead of "tearing down a husband's necessary sense of strength and importance" can result in the harmonious marriage women crave. While many of her listeners and readers claim her unequivocal advice has salvaged teetering marriages and improved marital harmony, others perceive Schlessinger as a throwback to what many see as years of female oppression in the home. (Jan.) Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information.
November 17, 2009
A Heart Like His?
One Last Chance!

All right, gals,
I'm having Aaron pick up super saver tickets from Costco on his way home from work, and then I will purchase the tickets from the movie theater (thanks, Rebecca, for giving me the heads up on that!). Here's who I have going:
Chelsey J
Christine G
Rebecca B
Jenni R
Monique F
Dora T
Kristie L
If I missed someone or if you've decided to go, you have until 5:15 to let me know! Or if you change your mind later, you can just purchase your own ticket and meet up with us. We will try to get the 7:30 showing on Saturday, but I will let you know if we have to change that. We are also planning on eating at Red Robin at 5:30, so anyone is welcome to join us there.
For those that have requested tickets, I believe it will cost $7.50. I'll give you the final details when we've purchased them.
I can't wait!!!
November 15, 2009
Its Sew the Bag
New Moon Plans

I'm going to be purchasing tickets to New Moon on Tuesday, so I need final numbers for who is attending. If you've already left a comment on the blog or sent me an email, I've got you covered. We will be going to the 7:30 showing on Saturday the 21st (if we can get tickets!). For those that want to, we will meet at Red Robin at 5:30 for dinner. Please let me know if you're coming to dinner so we know who to expect. I'm so excited--we're going to have so much fun! Again, spread the word!

Book Club Reminder

Free indoor basketball
November 11, 2009

*tip- use conditioner and/or detangler if you try these
BYU Tailgate Party

This Saturday BYU will be playing UNM at the Pit. There will be a tailgate party beforehand with food and games. It should run from 9 to approx 11:15. We have volunteered to man the beanbag toss, but we would love to have a chance to take our kids around to the different booths and enjoy part of the tailgate party. Is there anyone who is planning on going to the tailgate party that would like to split the time with us and take an hour or so? Let me know! We participated the last time BYU played here, and it was a blast.

New Moon, anyone?

I'd love to get a group together to go and see New Moon. I know there are plenty of fans in our ward, and it will be much more fun to see it the first time with swooning girlfriends than husbands who will be groaning every five minutes and making wisecracks throughout. It's being released on Nov 20, so I thought it might be nice to go and see it on Saturday evening (the 21st). There's a 7:30 showing, which means we could grab a little bit to eat before if we wanted to. What do you say? Anyone up for it? Leave a comment or send me an email at chelsey dot jorgensen at gmail dot com.
P.S. If there's already a group getting together, I don't want to step on anyone's toes. Post here and let us know the info so we can all go together!

Disney's "UP" Movie Coupon
For Sale
A treadmill, 2 TV's (32" and 42"), a nice coffee table with sliding storage, and a retro table w/ enamel finish white and red trim.
If you are interested, you can call her at 710 8870. Super nice woman!
November 9, 2009
VR community Business Expo and car seat check
4 out of 5 Child Safety Seats are used incorrectly.
Could yours be one of them?
Have your child safety seat or booster seat inspected for recalls, broken parts, improper installation, and appropriateness for your child. Learn the child restraint law in New Mexico. There is no charge for this service.
Where: Ventana Ranch Community Center
When: Wednesday, November 11, 2009
9:30 am to 12:30 pm
For more information please call: 800-231-6145
FREE Service funded by NM DOT
SAFER New Mexico Now
Open to the Public
Inside the community center there will be lots of home business booths. Many items to purchase including home crafts.
Raffle Basket & Bake sale
All proceeds benefit a service project for
Our adopted families & Safer NM Now
If you have any questions, contact Jenni Richardson
November 6, 2009
Tommorrow is Super Saturday!
November 4, 2009
Great deal at Albertsons

The one little catch is that you have to spend $10 extra, but there are lots of good deals this week including fruit snacks for $1 (lots of coupons for those too!), and breakfast sausage is $1 too.
*Ignore the top of the above picture! haha
November 2, 2009
Craft Night Glass Blocks....
November 1, 2009
And the winner is.....
FREE class at Jessica Sprague!
October 30, 2009
Hurry!!! 50% Off Your ENTIRE Purchase at Payless!
Fight for the Family
Hello, my friends! I know how all of you feel about your families and families in general. It seems that the world in which we live is attacking the family on every front. So what are we supposed to do about it? Well, here is a way to stay informed on things that concern the family. United Families International (UFI) was one of the groups who helped organize things in CA regarding Prop 8. There is a bill that is coming up in New Mexico and the concern is that this time around it is going to be a quick session and people in the government are pushing for same sex in NM. We need to call our senators. Tell them to stand up for traditional families. My sister is the President of United Families International of New Mexico and will be coming to Albuquerque in the next couple weeks to help us have a voice and to give us some ideas on how we can defend the family. For those of you who are NOT in NM, UFI is in your state as well, and I am sure that you can get involved and become aware of what is going in your own state. At any rate, I thought that you all would appreciate this information.
Here is their website:
You can sign up and get updates sent to your email.
They are on Facebook:
Here is their blog as well.
***President Gordon B. Hinckley: "We recognize and teach that all the people of the earth are of the family of God. The Lord counseled them, “Defend your families even unto bloodshed” (Alma 43:47)."
I was recently reading in the Book of Mormon where the people of Limhi were attacked by the Lamanites, unjustly.
- "And it came to pass that the people of Limhi began to drive the Lamanites before them: yet they were not half so numerous as the Lamanites. But they fought for their lives, and for their wives and for their children: therefore they exerted themselves and like dragons did they fight."
Let's fight like dragons for something that is this important. Family is worth fighting for. Make the calls, spread the word!! Your family is worth the fight!!!
October 29, 2009
Halloween Trunk or Treat
October 28, 2009
And the choices are....
October 24, 2009
Free Dell Laptop and Printer
Super Saturday Update
October 23, 2009
Expectant Moms...& costumes
Also I have for the taking toddler and small child jumper style costumes. Winnie the pooh, Dumbo, Frogs, buzz lightyear, tigger... come and take them if you still need your kidos costume. Otherwise off they go to a donation center....
Happy Fall to you all!
899-8297 Sharon
October 21, 2009
November Craft Night
We need help! We need an idea for next month's craft night! We want to do a Christmas craft so this is what I need you to do. Email me (jennifer[dot]childers[at]gmail[dot]com) your ideas by TUES, Oct. 27th. I will then post them and will have until next FRIDAY OCT, 30th to vote on them. I will take the top three and then we will take another vote. So start your dreaming!
Jenny Ch.
P.S. Thanks for Christine G. for hosting last night. We have a great time making watch bands and drinking delicious smoothies!
October 16, 2009
say goodbye to Jessica
T.G.I. Friday's just released two new coupons, valid thru 11/01/09! One is for a FREE appetizer when you purchase a drink and the other is for a $5 sandwich or salad during lunch hours. Plus, FREE burger coupons
contact Jenni Richardson for carpooling or directions.
October 15, 2009
Anyone Need Boxes?
October 14, 2009
Lederhosen anyone?
Duck Pond?
Book Club Location Change
Directions: head toward the church on Rainbow, turn left on Treeline, then turn on the 1st left (we don't know the name of this street.) Turn right on Las Nutrias, left on Ladron and then left on Cuchillo. Her house is the 1st on the left.
Hope to see you there.
Rock/Gravel Suppliers
October 13, 2009
Soda Bottles Needed
Book Club Reminder
Also a reminder that we'll be discussing Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell on November 19th. We'll delay the start time until 8:00 because cub scout pack meeting has been scheduled for that night. I'll be hosting it at my house. Start reading now!
Hope to see you all there!

October 11, 2009
More Super Saturday
October 9, 2009
October 7, 2009
"Nie" to Be on Oprah...TODAY!
H1N1 at School
Our local ES posted this on facebook yesterday. Just wanted to pass it along. It's always a good reminder to re-visit the topic of handwashing techniques with our kids. Nothing to be overly concerned about, but certainly something to be aware of. Most teachers I have talked to are still open to receiving more hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes, so that's something to think about if you want to help. Angela B.
We had our first confired case of H1N1 today. We can assure parents we are doing everything we can to keep classrooms clean. Students have access to hand sanatizer too. Our suggestion to parents is if your kids are sick keep them home. We realize it ...can be an inconvience for you, but think of the other students at school.
October 6, 2009
Super Saturday is coming!
I just wanted to let everyone know that Super Saturday is Nov. 7th, so mark your calendars.
We are going to have several great classes this year.
Here are the crafts we will be offering this year. Please sign-up for as many as you want, but note that you will only have 3 hours to get started on all your projects. There will also be free activities available the day of. If you have any questions please call Frances C. (can be found on the ward list) Sign-up sheets will be going around at church and a table will be set-up in the relief society room. You may also e-mail Frances at to sign-up.
Quilted Ornament $4 each
Hairbows $.50 each (bring your own ribbon)
Cake Decorating Class FREE
Recipe Swap FREE

Christmas Countdown Muffin Pan $10 each
(Halloween one shown, Christmas one will be made with Christmas papers)
Snow White for CHEAP!

*In case anyone saw the deal at Hastings and was going to try it, I went today and they would not accept the coupon. BUMMER.
If You Are on the Fence About Going to Vote Today...

October 5, 2009
Apple peeler/corer/slicer